Ancestry and True Tales

1966 Greta Ransom in Pericles Chair Athens and son 1973 little Peter R. Whitehead 2 years old The Pillar House, Harwell..."he is the most beautiful thing on your GOD's earth Madam" says ANDRE MALRAUX Retired Minister of FRANCE at a luncheon.
1966 Greta Ransom in Pericles Chair Athens and son 1973 little Peter R. Whitehead 2 years old The Pillar House, Harwell..."he is the most beautiful thing on your GOD's earth Madam" says ANDRE MALRAUX Retired Minister of FRANCE at a luncheon.

2016 May month of sorrows for young dead - new portait of Greta Ransom, born 1933

Pibou the sculpture 19th century

20th century Good & Evil Ransom Malraux - The World; It's Seas Edges

L I R   Len and ANDRE MALRAUX 2 and 3

SUBJECT  1920/30s   World DEPRESSION  

Note for the readers below

October 2015 AD =




ACCURATE PIECES OF SCOTLAND HISTORIES 1879 to the 1980s have been BANNED from the Internet :


...  requesting your notice and suggestions of any HELP – & any you can give if you feel SAFE to do so please  ... GO CAREFULLY :


ON MY WORK  is posted an ORDER from 3 big owners of the `WWW Internet Distribution` on my pieces of accurate HISTORY www :




These RECORDS = an assembly of facts` in MEMORIUM `  the MARTYRS made by the obscene theft from GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE – ESTATE in 3 Parts legal Will 1937/1938 copies issued worldwide – Many of them left all these records etc in my care to be begun by 1996  :   A rise of `bar rat` gossip perhaps has arisen again against the legal GUARDIAN to this MIRACLE of WELFARE  around the globe  =   his name in the Legal USA Will 1937/38 CHRISTMASTIDE –His name ? = A young man with a soul called Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX – who has written some books 1920s & 1930s :   

READERScan learn quickly about him from a biography the USA citizen CURTIS CATE published 1995 the book `ANDRE MALRAUX`


1938 ANDRE MALRAUX Guardian to worldwide ESTATE  (outside the British Empire) THOMAS GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE in 3 PARTS:     

1938/1937 - He, Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX a French passport holder, is immediately disapproved of by SCOTLAND Aristocrats with empty back pockets – they had the power to intercept & open his letters and packages coming from Gross Britain & America & other nations of the Globe :    two Clans of SCOTLAND – Aristocrat Earls & Lords, employ by MOONLIGHT a half SCOT b. 1898 his Father minor RN & Diplomat,  his Chinese mother & grandparents of excellent standing & humanism had to evict him 1920s for crimes against his Chinese families – he to become known from the 1920s to many Nations as  “ Mr JIM ”,  his first childhood languages are French-Chinese and have  him a familiar figure PARIS 1920s-1930s with other usually coin-less  British & European aristocrats   :


I hope the following Book of LIR IVpasses the CENSORSHIP LAWS – the last pieces of work are not accepted by Google & 2 others :   A Reader found a note on the PIERRE LAVAL web site saying BANNED   


 1998 my only son born 1970 has died in this FRAUDULENT removing of records to get hold of money – Attempts made on his young life  & body, as I encountered, as legal heir to the Family creation of GROTE HOMES & that `delicate flower garden` around the world made by RANSOM families

... who are first registered in BRITAIN 92 AD & known for 4 centuries as `REDEMPTIO` under ROMAN BRITAIN ... when we buy a piece of land at DUNWICH, SUFFOLK – now coastal erosion – Our families down the centuries are still along the Seas Edges of EAST ANGLIA ... Such genealogies are not unusual before 19th century Britain-Europe found itself short of `dough` :   


A note representing 3 sites says `controversial material`  

But we peaceful human beings who tell the truth from the beginning of WWW have felt that truth could be expressed ... ?  :  

I will heed our modern masters of course -  I hope to find out how I & the GROTE RANSOM, Frobisher-Weddell, GRONLANDER mountain of MARTYRS have deserved this Censorship ... ?   


A comment I hear  is   “  Is it a Masked attack on your INTEGRITY  ? ”


I reply I do not tell lies,  truth telling is a habit of common sense learned from the civilized persons of the globe  (

we RANSOM families are born of 14 Races 27 Nations)

they all around me from my arrival on earth ...


I wish, of course,  to say to the world that this Work is to bring Researchers-Readers through HELL & into HOPE ...


NB :   I have carried from my birth the MARTYRS made by SCOTS LORDS & similar 19th-20th centuries  `mind sets`=  who are THEY who believe MONEY is by their birth due to them – Racism upheld by them – and these last centuries casually tossed about by the other Empires :

1952 -  I will quote CHINESE who `had a long walk` “ the West has managed to ruin the first half of this century Lennie – they let that CLOWN Hitler in – now they send US philosophy ... ... ...”

?  Therefore is WWW in danger of losing its distribution of TRUTH  :


I HAVE HAD my only son die in this MANIAC CRIME of the 19th-20th centuries :   he recognized as such a force of goodness `young Pete – PETER RATHBONE RANSOM GORDON WHITEHEAD -  threatened from 2 month before his birth 1970 & childhood years afterwards = Many of you knew `young Pete`and valued him alive – His budding career Photography-philosophy of childhood-Welfare investigation :    From 1879my high-born distant relatives Scotland hung about my families into the `1980s forbidding progress in education for we & me they call `Apes Eskimos` :  Hopefully all are dead now – but the ethos of their early learning travels on :


RECORDS etc 1960  :

 “ It is after a marriage in 1883 our gold circle around the earth is in danger -  We want you to understand that Aristocrats  of what is A FOREIGN  Nation, SCOTLAND ,decided to destroy the TIGGY HOMES – they had been watching them from 1879 when a grand-daughter MILLIE FROBISHER of self-styled Premier Earls G.B.  was one of a group of young British people who went with TIGGY to see the HOMES,  where children were being educated outside of the attitude of WARFARE, in all the world of that time had to offer in Science-Medicine-Care of the Planet-the Seas, the FAMILY LIFE ... ”

“... with Thomas Immanuel  GROTE (Tiggy)   they went across Mesopotamia, Russia, China, & JAPAN to see unwanted Children of ALL RACES now placed in real HOMES- these British young were impressed these children learned to respect ALL RELIGIONS and this stunning CURRICULUM was happily adopted by many nations with additional funding from the well-to-doo ...  Tiggy, by the way is a descendant on his mother`s line of the Philosopher KANT ... ”    

“ By the turn of the centuries 1900s/1920s sadly it is swiftly understood that objections by the Empires of that time were mounting – it would take away their cheap workforces :   This, of course,  made it imperative that the HOMES for the safety of the CHILDREN should be kept low-key ... especially after the murder of TIGGY by SCOTS Lords when he was visiting the Island of ARRAN Western Hebrides ... ”  

“  You in your first years met many good people in the circles of your Grandfather Frederick Charles FROBISHER RANSOM and his cousins – one Alfred Charles Rear Admiral Ransom ... others who have become MARTYRS too – SCOTLAND Aristocrats always short of `dough` began to undermine your families & insult & persecute the ESTATE Grote-Ransom  - they wished to have the lands and investments and money by MOONLIGHT – claiming they were above the LAWS of the GLOBE ...”


COMMENT :     I  Greetah Ransom  born 1933have been followed about, spied upon, from my youngest years, resulting in from these Noble distant, Oh so distant kin, a damaged right arm & hand-writing hand – I have through the months from 1951  had to take different routes to anywhere – school, college, Museums jobs ... I am called by Noble Scotland  `ape Eskimo & to be mocked as a fool `... I was not to marry or have children – it was a fashion amongst Aristocrats – READERS will find this attitude goes back to MEDIEVAL HISTORIES ... Roman histories ... & I am not to have a name ... (sincerely - Greetah  Frobisher Weddell Maureen Caecelia RANSOM


NB :   RECORDS are also a re-telling January 1960 of the family histories by Dr JOHN RAY R. USA citizen worked NASA-Animal Management-WASHINGTON State Department – slain June 1969 at Montrose Basin SCOTLAND :   RECORDS from  he with his colleagues, intelligent friends,  & figures in the LAW = & DIARIES-Reports   :



READERS et al   should recall the TIGGY GROTE Constitution says `we do not fight – but would like to discuss if that is allowed ...`


An important QUESTION to be still ANSWERED by The UNITED KINGDOM of Great Britain is



 & willa truthful answer be given at long last by  SCOTLAND Aristocrats & MOTHER BRITAIN ???


`A moron in a hurry must recognize ...`

 these RECORDS of the Grote-Ransom MARTYRS are lacking a truthful answer to a worldwide GENOCIDE which took their young lives 1938-1950s – The powerful of The United Kingdom  were at the HELM of this GENOCIDE ...

We Citizens of the entire Globe deserve a truthful answer from certain SCOTLAND Aristocrat Clans and their MOTHER ENGLAND ...


    G.F.W.R. instructed by THE MARTYRS of the ABOVE – who were KILLED to make quick RICHES for CERTAIN ARISTOCRATS  ...


A NOTE follows for  UNITED KINGDOM 20th century persons knowing of this GENOCIDE  :



CHILDREN are the greatest ART WORKS of parents & all Nations of the globe –

 I created `little Pete` born 1970  (his photo age 3 at the front of this JIMDO site)  – I dared become a parent age 36 and 38 ... Attempts were made on his life his early years – he protected – when he became 21 a feeling of safety but NOT SO ... MOONLIGHT harassment by the criminally insane continued  ... names can be supplied ...  


NOTA BENE :     GREAT BRITAIN & UNITED KINGDOM :   the familiar to me from my birth dangerous JURASSIC BOG TROTTERS had destroyed my ROMAN CATHOLIC marriage 1947 - Permission given for `an early wedding` by a VATICAN GUARDIAN to me from birth 1933 `young Pacelli` a friend of my families :   he become Pope the year of 2nd World WAR 1939 :    I am speaking with him Spring 1936 telling him about the South American Convents I have toured for Aunt Margareth Ransom GROTE & that my young Daddy is seeing the NUNS, lots of them Scots-Irish-Welsh,  have help with stores, assistance with their gardens, transport so they can give help in the oHospitals, and we can help with better buildings & little schools – WE WILL PAY from the miracle ESTATE :  

From 1938 this kindly man was always waiting for The ESTATE GROTE RANSOM Guardian ANDRE MALRAUX to call on him – he approved him :  another GREAT WAR CAME 1939 September  :    


1936 middle of Summer - A letter from ` R.C. Priest Eugene PACELLI who lives in THE VATICAN,  to my Grandmother Mary Helena Carroll Gordon says  ` how he enjoyed meeting her granddaughter Greta Ransom,  and next time she ( I ) come to ROME he and I will go out to TEA – he knows a place where there is a hurdy-gurdy – he likes Music too ...`   He sent 3 Priests quite soon to visit the South American Convents – He and I, my families, all had nice PLANS to help people much more ...


1936 June :    BUT I WAS illegally KIDNAPPED June 1936 back to GROSS BRITAIN a United KINGDOM  :   my passport taken by Order 2 Aristocrat SCOTLAND Jurassic bog-trotter Tribes – My father too had his passport taken – this was quite illegal – We went to LAW TWICE = winning in winter 1936-7  “ Passports to be given back ”  – but told weeks later by PASSPORT OFFICE London that documents NOT RECEIVED :


So we obey again the LAW of this UNITED KINGDOM–Great BRITAIN -  and begin again in the British LAW COURTS :   Therefore to LAW again 1937-38 & WON passports back as before  !  But again we are told months later that the documents to get Passports back WERE not received at PASSPORT Office LONDON ... It cost us money ...


Nota bene :   ARISTOCRATS ARE ALWAYS ABOVE THE LAW 19th-20th centuries ... And now it is the 21st century :   WHERE ARE THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN ?   The Land of  SCOTLAND and MOTHER ENGLAND that UNITED KINGDOM should be taken somewhere to LAW by Nations A - Z to answer this question directly related to that GENOCIDE 1938-1950s of the GROTE Children, staff, craft-workers of the small Estates around the HOMES ... and the wicked DESTRUCTION of the SEASHORES of the GLOBE where the HOMES were situated – these SEAS EDGES were never the conquests, the booty of the BRITISH EMPIRE that UNITED KINGDOM   :   


1970 January – A tall bowed figure visits – he in grief because of all these DECADES of GROSS DECEIT and CUNNING, FRAUD, by Great BRITAIN the UNITED KINGDOM – It is my GUARDIAN from 1937 October, he Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX a RETIRED MINISTER OF FRANCE 1959-1969, he allowed by his important French friends to The Pillar House HARWELL Village   (“ Village for a Thousand Years”)    - but he is still followed by the old violent JURASSIC BOG TROTTERS making FUN of him  still using up their snouts that old SCOTLAND home-grown DOPE (Divinorum Salvia Scotland)    - They are fearful of exposure -  but always ready to become violent  ...


Georges-Andre whom I Greta Ransom have known since 1936/1937,  says to us   “  ... and you know,  I think,  that I had Your British Government wishing my death from 1938 when they discovered I was named Guardian to the Estate in the legal WILL ... After the WAR I survived with care but with little understanding and not knowing that I was spied upon because of my Guardianship ...  & my postal communications Received by others who did not give me the letters & documents I should have had – mine by LAW  ”  ...  


“  I came to know after the deaths that happened about me  there had been TREASON in my HOUSE in FRANCE and TREASON in my HOME in LONDON ... I have been brought to my knees in this deceit by YOUR GOVERNMENT, Peter !   ... It has brought death in my own family ...   ”     ( I am present – but MALRAUX is mainly directing his sentences to PJPW – I was allowed to take down in shorthand these first visits ... then PJPW did not want me to hear all that was said  )



THE WORLD our globe & I for my dead families and the GROTE CHILDREN,  still require an apology from Great Britain The United Kingdom :   and an answer to WHY this GENOCIDE was allowed to begin, carry on, and be ruthlessly kept hidden,  so that it was necessary for THESE-THEY to cause death to thousands and thousands more people =  Deaths in all NATIONS outside GROSS BRITAIN The UNITED KINGDOM   ?


There is nothing `controversial` about the evidence of the GENOCIDE of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN ...


Certain drug-addicts of Great Britain the United Kingdom of the 20th century had little concern for children not born into their Aristocrat circles ...


1970 December – ASHMOLEAN Museum a CHRISTMAS Party at OXFORD :


NNB:  a respected old man Boyd Alexander speaking for himself and Catholic Families of HISTORIC names, is saying seriously to me Greta `Greetah` Ransom W.  how they working abroad for the Empire were not able to follow what was happening to their Club when JIMMIE Jong got the Stewardship of it ... it was not known how young Andre was being persecuted by JIM & his gang ...  


NNNB:  ( I  become quietly Mrs PJPW from October 1967 to a junior scientist with 2 illegitimate children – their mother the wife of a prominent and very good man, but black skinned, Clem Ardwings-Kodek Barrister N. Ireland now Minister for Tourism and Game KENYA Colony :

They first married, she Mavis Lucinda Elizabeth nee Tate/Tait and he (above)  had seen a GROTE HOME 1953 Lake Victoria the Children recently slain by the BRITISH ARMY – this had them MARKED on a LIST –

A letter from she Mavis conveying this information written in a letter Spring 1968 was OPENED by the above dope addict Aristocrat Gang addressed to Peter J.P. Whitehead British Museum Natural History (BMNH) Department of Fishes & saying she will holiday with her mother in LIMERICK -  she is dead in June 1968 on the holiday – she is said to have collapsed swimming – her body could never be located by 2 of her 4 children 1970s-1990s  ... Reports, reports, reports :  


1967 October -NOVEMBER :   from this time of a marriage RANSOM-WHITEHEAD, all my post & that to the Whitehead IDENTICAL TWINS   & communications are taken to be checked AUTHORITY of EARL of LINDSEY No 14 aided by a son Lord DAVE LINDSEY & gang, JIMMIE Jong & ex-Army Kenya thugs, the obscene cruel Physician Doctor `Mengele` HARRINGTON G.P. Hong Kong 1945-48  - his eye-opener Divorce Case 1981 fashionable London – There was good newspaper coverage -  hopefully his full CASE reports have not been removed as `controversial` ! :   

Please NOTE :  he `Mengele` HARRINGTON pedophile claiming TITLES in Austria 1930s (Montmorency etc) and SCOTLAND 1950s – still boasting 1980 that he is to be made A PEER for this necessary work of denial of GROTE HOMES as respectable – he passing around in British UNITED KINGDOM high circles the HOMES were SO SHOCKING  - Oh they could NOT be allowed to interfere with the House of Lords & the Crown ...”  Citizens worldwide went in fear of these-they claiming to be above the LAW & on special duties : 


Note again :     They allowed this secret power are GREAT BRITAIN the UNITED KINGDOM Commonwealth  drug-addicts since the 1920s-1930s-1940s !!!   Human beings WWW should now be rejoicing that such madness is discovered and LESSONS & WARNINGS can be given to the world our Planet our Globe –

...  and that granting VAST POWER & SILENCE should not be allowed to those controlling EMPIRES by their blood lines or their business lines  ... with such very high RAMPARTS around them  - certain Scots Tribes were not to have got OVER THE WALL & not down to WESTMINSTER –




MALRAUX is standing on the Steps of No 50 out of earshot – My heart sinks, I feel weak at the knees as an old Noble LORD  `XWZZ` is speaking to me sternly ... he has stepped out of my 1930s-1940s years   

“... and we want to warn you ...  KEEP YOUR MOTHER AWAY FROM ANDRE – he is a good man – I KNOW YOUR MOTHER AND ANGELA AT THE RACES – they can DRINK A PUB OUT OVERNIGHT ...”  !! 

If the G.B. Empire United Kingdom newspapers were not `clipped` so carefully then into the 1970s they will carry little remarks about the heavy drinkers ...


 (young Pete born 21st August 1970 = PRW his life`s work 1970-1998beginning on


Boyd Alexander member of WHITES CLUB St James`  :

 “ We banned JIM from Stewardship our club WHITES after ANDRE made that Sunday morning speech (January 1959) ... we had all to steady ANGELA amongst us when we were young then after she a Commoner made the Royal marriage ...”


... “ BUT it was wrong of the KING their Father to allow this man Jimmie near his two young daughters ...WHEN YOUNG PEOPLE HAVE TO TAKE HIGH OFFICE you cannot be too careful whom you allow access to them ... as your Army father & his families knew ...

 Oh - our FIRST FAMILY has never been known for its high intellect – ELIZABETH 1 of course - and perhaps CHARLES & his friends the founding of The Royal Society ... things like that ... ”


 (I & others were sorry he Boyd did not seem to know Victoria Queen as she is writing, travelling, speaking with my families including the husband of my Aunt Girl of the Snows, young TIGGY GROTE born 1842 NEW YORK USA ... But in the 20th century after the obscene GENOCIDE by G.B. to the GROTE CHILDREN these precious RECORDS are not wanted ON BOARD the UNITED KINGDOM 20th CENTURY – and with this INTERNET BANN by 3 big businesses & MASKED ATTACKS on our INTELLECTS,  clearly to be suppressedin this 21st Century ...



   that ANDRE MALRAUX is not condemned as a fool-a fake by good people down the decades of the 20th century  - and my families of the SEAS neither ...  in this new century bar rats have been telling the public he is a fake & there are comments on what people are thinking from photographs – 1963 young President KENNEDY is shot – in 1964 leaders of many nations looked nervously around in great gatherings ...

The initial work of accurate HISTORY  assembled is named  “ DOCUMENT in 3 Parts – a scaffolding = 1937 SUMMER etc   ... you will find it on my web site  (= I can as usual give you DVD if this is the only safe method of STORAGE & RETRIEVAL):  We must ALL continue to learn ways to preserve TRUTH & speak against injustice – my families do not turn to VIOLENCE but from THE UNITED KINGDOM Britain we have received it all the 20th century  ... ... ...

          GREETAH RANSOM -  for the martyrs & the innocent ... 



October 2015 AD = NOTE







...  requesting your notice and suggestions of any HELP – & any you can give if you feel SAFE to do so please  ... GO CAREFULLY :


ON MY WORK  is posted an ORDER from 3 big owners of the `WWW Internet Distribution` on my pieces of accurate HISTORY www :


These RECORDS = an assembly of facts` in MEMORIUM `  the MARTYRS made by the obscene theft from GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE – ESTATE in 3 Parts legal Will 1937/1938 copies issued worldwide – Many of them left all these records etc in my care to be begun by 1996  :   A rise of `bar rat` gossip perhaps has arisen again against the legal GUARDIAN to this MIRACLE of WELFARE  around the globe  =   his name in the Legal USA Will 1937/38 CHRISTMASTIDE –His name ? - A young man with a soul called Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX – who has written some books 1920s & 1930s :    READERS can learn quickly about him from a biography the USA citizen CURTIS CATE published 1995 the book `ANDRE MALRAUX`


1938 ANDRE MALRAUX is immediately disapproved of by SCOTLAND Aristocrats with empty back pockets – two branches employ by MOONLIGHT a half SCOT minor RN & Diplomat,  his Chinese mother & grandparents of excellent standing & humanism had to evict him 1920s – his first childhood languages are French-Chinese and have  him a familiar figure PARIS 1920s-1930s with other usually coin-less  British aristocrats   :


 I hope the following Book of LIR IVpasses the CENSORSHIP LAWS – the last pieces are not accepted by Google etc – a note on the PIERRE LAVAL web site says so  :    1998 my only son born 1970 has died in this FRAUDULENT removing of records to get hold of money – Attempts made on his young life  & body, as I encountered, as legal heir to the Family creation of GROTE HOMES & that `delicate flower garden` around the world made by RANSOM families who are first registered in BRITAIN 92 AD when we buy a piece of land at DUNWICH – now coastal erosion – Our families down the centuries are still along the Seas Edges of EAST ANGLIA ... this is not unusual before 19th century Britain-Europe found itself short of `dough` :   


A note representing 3 sites says `controversial material`  -  

But we peaceful human beings who tell the truth from the beginning of www  have felt that truth could be expressed ... ?  :   

I will heed our modern masters of course -  I hope to find out how I & the MARTYRS have deserved this Censorship ... ?   


A comment I hear  is   “  Is it a Masked attack on your INTEGRITY  ? ”


I reply I do not tell lies,  truth telling is a habit of common sense learned from the civilized persons of the globe  (we RANSOM families are born of 14 Races 27 Nations)   around me from my arrival on earth ...

I wish, of course,  to say to the world that this Work is to bring Researchers-Readers through HELL & into HOPE ...


NB :   I have carried from my birth the MARTYRS made by SCOTS LORDS & similar 19th-20th centuries  `mind sets`=  who are THEY who believe MONEY is by their birth due to them – Racism upheld by them – and these centuries casually tossed about by the other Empires :

1952 -  I will quote CHINESE who `had a long walk` “ the West has managed to ruin the first half of this century Lennie – they let that CLOWN Hitler in – now they send US philosophy ... ... ...”

?  Therefore is WWW in danger of losing its distribution of TRUTH  :


I HAVE HAD my only son die in this MANIAC CRIME of the 19th-20th centuries :   he recognized as such a force of goodness `young Pete – PETER RATHBONE RANSOM GORDON WHITEHEAD -  threatened from 2 month before his birth 1970 & childhood years afterwards = Many of you knew `young Pete`and valued him alive – His budding career Photography-philosophy of childhood-Welfare investigation :    From 1879my high-born distant relatives Scotland hung about my families into the `1980s forbidding progress in education for we & me they call `Apes Eskimos` :  Hopefully all are dead now – but the ethos of their early learning travels on :


RECORDS etc 1960  :

 “ It is after a marriage in 1883 our gold circle around the earth is in danger -  We want you to understand that Aristocrats  of what is A FOREIGN  Nation, SCOTLAND ,decided to destroy the TIGGY HOMES – they had been watching them from 1879 when a grand-daughter MILLIE FROBISHER of self-styled Premier Earls G.B.  was one of a group of young British people who went with TIGGY to see the HOMES,  where children were being educated outside of the attitude of WARFARE, in all the world of that time had to offer in Science-Medicine-Care of the Planet-the Seas, the FAMILY LIFE ... ”

“... with Thomas Immanuel  GROTE (Tiggy)   they went across Mesopotamia, Russia, China, & JAPAN to see unwanted Children of ALL RACES now placed in real HOMES- these British young were impressed these children learned to respect ALL RELIGIONS and this stunning CURRICULUM was happily adopted by many nations with additional funding from the well-to-doo ...  Tiggy, by the way is a descendant on his mother`s line of the Philosopher KANT ... ”    

“ By the turn of the centuries 1900s/1920s sadly it is swiftly understood that objections by the Empires of that time were mounting – it would take away their cheap workforces :   This, of course,  made it imperative that the HOMES for the safety of the CHILDREN should be kept low-key ...”  

“  You in your first years met many good people in the circles of your Grandfather Frederick Charles FROBISHER RANSOM and his cousins – one Alfred Charles Rear Admiral Ransom ... others who have become MARTYRS too – SCOTLAND Aristocrats always short of `dough` began to undermine your families & insult & persecute the ESTATE Grote-Ransom  - they wished to have the lands and investments and money by MOONLIGHT – claiming they were above the LAWS of the GLOBE ...”


COMMENT :     I  Greetah Ransom  born 1933have been followed about, spied upon, from my youngest years, resulting in from these Noble distant, Oh so distant kin, a damaged right arm & hand-writing hand – I have through the months from 1951  had to take different routes to anywhere – school, college, Museums jobs ... I am called by Noble Scotland  `ape Eskimo & to be mocked as a fool `... I was not to marry or have children – it was a fashion amongst Aristocrats – READERS will find this attitude goes back to MEDIEVAL HISTORIES ... Roman histories ... & I am not to have a name ... (sincerely - Greetah  Frobisher Weddell RANSOM


NB :   RECORDS are also a re-telling January 1960 of the family histories by Dr JOHN RAY R. USA citizen & his colleagues, intelligent friends,  & figures in the LAW = & DIARIES-Reports   :




READERS et al   should recall the TIGGY GROTE Constitution says `we do not fight – but would like to discuss if that is allowed ...`







 LIR = Len Immanuel RANSOM


Born 1921 Argentine, his father & mother are

Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOM only surviving son of JOHN RANSOM, Jacopsholmen Island, West Greenland :  Educationalist Montreal, Japan, worldwide Thomas Grote Homes :  his  2nd wife  Millicent FROBISHER, Greek arts - chariots & dance, ice skater – gym for women & girls :  both parents slain 1890 & 1897 : 

 m 1909 Jean Minerva San Julian WEDDELL ballerina choreographer & Welfare worker :  elder daughter of James Weddell II (born 1824/5 dies when Jean age 10 sister 8 years old  ( “ Jean my mother died still dancing 1938 age 51”  ( 1960 Letters from Jean publ. privately USA by Dr JRR NASA=USA State Office Washington )  :   her mother Olivea `Minerva`Hesketh (parents from Bavaria-Philadelphia-farm alongside Shakers:   d 1934  in her early 90s  (Grandma MIN has first marriage to Mr Boosy trader-business man wrote a book on Philosophy popular for a while – 1 daughter Melanie New York killed Britain 1953)  Lennie calls his grandmothers `MILL & MIN` ...




CLACTON-HOLLAND-on-Sea late winter-nearly spring 1938 :

Do you remember … a man called Ma`Culloch ... we had taken a taxi to the Holland-on-sea beach – you did not like to come on the motorbike – you said you would walk – I knew this was dangerous now – we would stay two hours – our taxi man would either come back for us or take his snooze on the cliffs :  We had decided a visit necessary to understand our ancestors landing on a seashore to fish, collect shell fishes – perhaps staying 4 days – then unexpected foul weather – they must pull the ship in ... I would make notes, you drawings, of how it would be down the centuries on this coast – this beach – the cliffs jutting out into the sea :   SHE had followed – she came at us in a rage as we began the ascent to the beach ... that beach known as Beach of Jo now ...

Mr Ma`Cullock was on the headland – he hurried to us – he told me to get you away – she had, he said later, the filthiest mouth he had ever heard ... she turned on him & he pulled his gun & winged the side of her behind ... he was ready to fire a second bullet :  But it was as if a chord had struck in her brain – she humped up & grunted like an Ape :   He knew what had been done to her in Scotland !   They grew a dope – given it as children they were every after mad – insane !   He said we must never go anywhere alone – we must always know where she was ...

I told my parents and my brother – they arranged for he and his family to leave Britain – he agreed ... there names would be changed by the Grote Estate – we were not to know if they went to North or South America ... the Argentine was a very safe place from British aristocrat scroungers ... ”



1936 PARIS :   DO YOU RECALL ... when we visited Paris on the way back from South America you met two firm friends of mine – one son Bill – I sometimes train with him at gym – 4 years older than me :  We call them Bill & Sarah – from Jamaica – they inherited a gold mine – left immediately because being black the British would take the money off them :

He had trained as a Doctor – she taught school – they married –

I think the money from the gold was funding medical research ... Bill had come top of everything he learned in France – at the University he was not bothered because he was black – he seemed to have forgot all that before he left Jamaica at 10 years – he often spoke of wanting to return – we told him no – I said I would when not busy take him to see my nation Argentina – with my family, my niece we had just been back touring the Homes of South America for Aunt Mag –

We went to lunch and stayed the afternoon talking – they knew Aunt Nat slightly – brilliant but always dashing about the globe :  They knew Aunt Catherine – but it was only safe to visit our families with careful arrangements made because of the Estate & the HOMES of Tiggy :  They understood – and they had to be careful because of their Gold Mine :

He said he did not feel he was a dedicated doctor – he did not treat children because so much could go wrong – so much needed to be learned – research was most important – he advised older people – cut down on smoking or stop & many did !   He recommended diet and advised on recreation & keeping a fresh mind – always having pleasant things to do :   

You began to speak on your mother – I had told him of my experiences with her the last 2 years :   He said she and others like her must be kept in a secure place & given things to do – they must never be allowed free in the community – given interesting things to do in a secure pleasant place they could have some control of themselves :  He and she advised you never to try to make her well on your own – you would not be able to change her if she were free – the damage in her came from her companions of her young years :  He understood we would not be returning – you had not illegally been kidnapped back yet with abuse at my mother, father, at all my families :   A terrible crime had begun to get money & power by violence & hate :



1970s after the too early death of ANDRE MALRAUX 1976 November 24

1938 Diary:   LIR & others :   “ 1938 ... you are 5 years & at St Clare Convent School on the seafront Clacton-on-Sea :  Your father has restored the little house with an interesting history from 16th century ... the Old Road coming down from CLACTUNA/Great Clacton-on-Sea – he & others intend making it a town Museum – he will put back the Dames School – he had to dismantle it 1935 after the Lindsay-Lindsey used it for gambling & drinking & were threatening us for big amounts of money ... or they would burn it down ... Mill our grandmother (Millie Frobisher marries widow John Ransom 1883 St Magnus the Martyr Thames brother of Margareth marries Tiggy GROTE)  was a grandchild of that Earl of Crawford Lindsay ... Violet Artist too ...`


“  The Law of England & overseas says the Lindsay-Lindsey can have NO claim on the worldwide Estate devoted to philanthropy & good much needed trade ... Your father is trying to uphold the LAW ... War is coming again ... he will return to the Army ... it were better we had abandoned the British Isles Estate & quickly left in our planes autumn 1936 as soon as you were illegally kidnapped back using the Whitehall diplomatic Service ... ORDERS WERE GIVEN BY THE MOTHER OF ANGELA = Bowes Lyon family of Glamis Castle :  Always known as `Angela` to her friends -  she who married the younger son of the Sailor King 1923 ... it was known to eminent people that she was most unsuitable ... & civilized people went from Scotland to Westminster to STOP such a marriage ... recall ?   “ ... you do NOT let them out of Scotland – even if another WALL had to be built ... &  “ ... the LINDSAY a bloody nuisance since the planet began ...”  added Winston Churchill January 1960 ... :


“ I am reading my diaries – I have kept them since 12 years of age :


1938 ... GORGONZOLA ... I had bought with my own money some Gorgonzola cheese – in the little house I had got the fire glowing red – I would make the toast then take it to the big kitchen & make tea – your father had been picked up by Harry – he had to try a car out for the garage – they would bring you back from Convent School ...


CRASH – the front door is opened by SHE – come back from a week or more with her town friends – she did not go upstairs & sleep as she often does returning from all night parties :  She gave me no greeting – fetched a pan of water & threw it on the fire :  I went to the kitchen – the Gorgonzola was thrown on the floor & she had crushed it with her heels several times ... trodden it in :   Your father arrived back – saw her bad manners – took her by the back of the neck & threw her out of the front door !   He told her not to come back until she was sober – get a hotel :


He picked up the telephone & ordered more Gorgonzola from the shop requesting the errand boy bring it immediately for tea :   this was done in 10 minutes – he thanked the boy & paid the bill & gave the boy a generous tip :   We had our tea ... it was decided not to go out to friends that evening ... we should be prepared for an attack ...


He telephoned to the Clacton Police Station they might wish to put her in a cell for the night if she was found to be in violent mood in the town – he asked if the Police might keep an eye on the house during the night ... the Police were used to this & very helpful :   If the LINDSAY families were in their GRAND on the Front the Police had to keep a good `watch` for us & others :  arrHHHARRH It was known she & they used a dangerous amount of narcotics ... `




  `PRESTER JOHN` a book by John Buchan b 1875 - dies 1940 ...

& his knowledge of the education of the THOMAS Immanuel GROTE the real HOMES A-Z begun 1864 encircling the world twice situated on the RANSOM families historic sea shores come to them as dowry from foreign Brides down the centuries of 2,000 year  – whose families we visit & we all regard ourselves as `kin` - we are SEA TRADERS, farming, transport, into the 20th century :  It is sensible to be able worldwide to PULL THE SHIP IN ...


 I G.R. recall family talking of him 1930s – may have met him – he will know my grandfather Frederick Charles Frobisher Ransom – may have met TIGGY murdered by SCOTS LORDS 1904 & his wife Margareth Ransom the RANSOM families of 1500 Montrose Basin  :   


1980s - I MEET A FEW OF HIS OLD FRIENDS  :   sad remarks by people who knew him ... “ ... he said the GROTE education was the finest in the world ... he suffered grief over the fate of the Homes at the end of his life ... the 2nd World War had begun 1939 ... he knew the founders of GROTE as a very young man ... but he had always said THE GROTE EDUCATION WAS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD ... he & many writers visited them worldwide and stayed to talk & lecture to the children of a very young age to early 20s ... many went into the sciences & teaching ...”  

( mid-1980s - G.R. gathers over the next days  ... John Buchan  experienced grief at the death of the Sailor King – the kicking out of his heir King Edward 8 ` a man who understood the earth was a globe & had intelligent beings outside the British Empire administration` :


G.R. reasons that BUCHAN the writer a Scot, son of Reverend John Buchan, Edinburgh,  heard that Angela become a Duchess married to young son of Sailor King, she a former Bowes Lyon is rudely shouting by 1934   `an old ESKIMO gave ME the GROTE HOMES and LANDS ` & 1938-39  that she does not need a WILL now she is Queen & is giving Orders to WHITEHALL CENTRE of BRITISH GOVERNMENT to “CLEAR THE GROTE HOMES – SELL THE LANDS – GIVE THE MONEY TO ME”  !!


Reports 1939-1960 :   There are several shocked persons hearing this ranting of  (the former)   Ms E. ANGELA M. Bowes Lyon to destroy the GROTE HOMES worldwide & rob the RANSOM Estate of these RANSOM lands = THE HOMES ARE ALL OUTSIDE THE BRITISH EMPIRE !!  =  There is general shock – nervous people are making notes, speaking on this from 1939, writing letters – this is UNLAWFUL & means the woman now a Queen is proposing to commit robbery and fraud upon the world OUTSIDE her British Empire  ... ( 1979 it is recorded by a woman who attended Angela from the beginning of her sudden rise to fame as Queen that  “ she was always an old SOD ”  )   :


NB Greta Frobisher Weddell RANSOM legal heir with Lennie Immanuel RANSOM to this circle of gold & delicate flower garden around the globe twice A-Z   Estate made up from RANSOM lands during 2,000 years that our relatives, brides, in-laws have lived or had work –  OUR RANSOM GROTE worldwide ESTATE WORKED IN SWEET HARMONY until the BRITISH GOVERNMENT LORDS & this new CROWN of 1937 began a GENOCIDE worldwide outside the British Empire  - they dirtied the EARTH & SEAS  from then onwards ... They personally drip blood and gore & have put a river of blood around the earth for evermore ... 

 ... & as JOHN BUCHAN says 1930s to these people I meet 1970s-1980s  “ THE GROTE EDUCATION IS THE FINEST EDUCATION THE WORLD CAN HAVE ”   :


1923 ANGELA BECOMES A DUCHESS :    1968-70 relatives of her husband  (to be King George VI)   “ ... she was not what we wanted – but if he was content – there were difficulties from the beginning – we had to let her travel the globe – we gave her a minor role as visiting Peace representative for Great Britain  ... ” 


1937 very unexpectedly Angela becomes a Queen – and begins by breaking all world laws & those of Gross Britain by giving away pieces of our family RANSOM GROTE worldwide ESTATE to her criminally insane chums from her childhood, teens ... they are all DRUG ADDICTS   : 


NNB:   1936 SPAIN seacoast  - a most terrible grisly crime is carried out on the only son, age 22, a Coptic scholar, of the `Murgatroyd` Scots family  (we will call them that so they are safe from unlawful by moonlight decrees of `hookers` )  they are retired Missionaries for a London Protestant Society having been many years in Ethiopia and have many good friends there  =  Writer Hemmingway & many others were scared by this burning of the young scholar only child in a marmalade vat adding lemon juice and olive oil summer 1937 & the drunken boasting that  `ANGELA the new Queen had given this Estate & all the seashores attached to this Estate part GROTE RANSOM in SPAIN `


...  they are the Jurassic bog trotting Earls Lords & other DRUG ADDICTS of the Crawford LINDSAY-LINDSEY Scots mob ... unfortunately my great-grandmother Millie Frobisher Mrs JOHN RANSOM 1883 is a grandchild of that Earl of Crawford LINDSAY – as Violet Artist  ! 


(www.greta-ransom.com_ READER may take a small glass of sherry or brandy before reading of this barbaric crime by LINDSAY Crawford & LINDSEY & their other branches :   And CHRISTMAS MORNING 1938 is the first horrible slaying of the GROTE CHILDREN a NORWAY GROTE HOME ... 350 children left on a beach with the fast tide coming in ... again READER may need a small glass at elbow !  the final death toll here is said to be over 600 persons as these OBSCENE sub-sub ape things went for all Estate workers, teachers, and slew entire families – report in full received end of 2nd world War  to USA Grote Brokers Wall street New York : & cover in depth some of this web released assembly of records launched 2011 for the CENTENARY of my young father, 22 when I am born, FREDERICK JOHN RANSOM – born November 1911 – killed by these obscene lunatics March 1969 : FJR is about 19th in the long line of RANSOM main line family Suffolk  - we have worldwide Brides who come with a little bit of seashore as dowry to PULL THE SHIP IN ... we are known for our sensible & responsible stewardship of the entire earth & OUR GOOD BREEDING – we are now 14 RACES & 27 Nations of BRIDES & knew our relatives of 2,000 years into the end of the 20th century  ...


Scotland & Scandinavia & what slithered over the WALL 1923 by Moonlight to Westminster could learn to be human beings from RANSOM Frobisher Weddell & GROTE

Education :       



ANGELA, & fiends-friends, my mother included ,  belong to the Roaring 20s & they are dope-addicts & heavy drinkers ... my highly intelligent 12 & more languages speaking Aunt Margareth nee Ransom Mrs TIGGY GROTE did NOT give the former Ms Elizabeth ANGELA Marguerite Bowes Lyon any part of the RANSOM Estate upon which Uncle TIGGY has established from 1864 the GROTE HOMES – Two Scots TRIBES Lindsay-Lindseybuggarhs & Bowes Lyon of Glamis have been eying our worldwide SEASHORE lands from the late 19th century – it is their custom to rob with violence using Aristocrat criminally insane power :  


It was 1957 October, Lancaster Gate Square, a cool morning as I step out of the Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX, General DE GAULLE Catholic MISSION at no 50 ... 


`Lord XWZ says to me a few steps away  “ KEEP YOUR MOTHER AWAY FROM ANDRE, he is a nice man ... I know your mother and ANGELA now an old Queen ... THEY CAN DRINK A PUB OUT OVER NIGHT ...”


I only 24 years old hoped in my embarrassment & fear that the hard working George  (Georges-Andre Malraux) did not hear all this as he came out & stood on the steps of No 50 a minute after me :  


... but after my first shock I then remembered he my GUARDIAN from 1937 October had lately reminded me that he had known this pair & their brainless chums from the 1920s ... British coin-less aristocrats sat in the bars of PARIS hoping to get the liquor paid for ... he would calmly listen then FLEE the SCENE .. he is a very young man born 1901 ...  Greta Ransom    


NB:   19th-20th centuries SCOTLAND  was aware of its ill-bred drug growing Aristocracy especially 3 tribes LINDSAY Crawford & LINDSEY... Du CANN  & BOWES LYON & branches – Pity Gross Britain did not establish a PENAL COLONY on South Georgia the

sub-ARCTIC  : 


This dangerous narcotic is banned by British LAW in 1929 – Divinorum Salvia Scotland – It is torch blown into pellets of lavender gilt orange – like stones picked up on a beach at the edge of the waves – inserted in the SNOUT by addicts it hits brain in 2 seconds & produces violence for money & power etc :  it can also be used as a purple powder – Fred & Rose West of Cromwell Street, Gloucester, were able to buy it at Cheltenham Races 1981 :   


Sadness at the end of his life ?  – JOHN BUCHAN will have heard something about the carnage of the children worldwide GROTE HOMES before he dies in 1940 – and the murders of Margareth 15 May 1938, Jean still dancing 1938 end of summer, Frederick Charles October 1939 ... the figure they all feared JIMMIE JONG is a self appointed Major from summer 1939 with a 2-man Unit back of Buckingham Palace called `Intelligence` - Jimmie Mr Pong has had an apartment back of the Palace since 1921 – he still held it 1956  :


It was my future mother Teresa Gordon b 1906 who took Angela b 1900 & Jim b 1898/99 into the Buckingham Palace from when she was 10-11 years old 1916-1917 ... her grandfather has been for many years MINE HOST the Whitebait Suppers at the beautiful Trafalgar Tavern waterfront Greenwich


He John Frederick GORDON of Edinburgh  (his wife Matilda Kellow of Edinburgh & Warminster Wiltshire)  for years receives the Houses of Lords & Commons when they come by the State Barges once a year to The Whitebait Suppers = its ballroom was known as “ the most beautiful ballroom in Europe”  .. it was the home of her father his 5 brothers 2 sisters - they  grew up here - going to school across Greenwich Heath on ponies with a Groom to school – they went to Dr BELL`s ACADEMY = where ANNA put the future King of SIAM & his brother ... (they had 2 attendants always with them in class with curved swords drawn)   ...


Teresa E. Gordon and other children are used to going in the back door of the Palace, know the servants, will pick up a tea-cloth & help ... they are brought up to have good manners to all classes ... THUS JIM SLITHERED IN ... MADE HIMSELF AT HOME ... The Queen when there will allow the children to call her `Auntie Mary` ... Angela will know how to behave – Jimmie will play “ puck & page to the ladies ...”   Rewards for helping in the kitchens may be tea & lovely cake ... not liquor !   And at this time we learn that it is in those days the BOWES LYONS & JIMMIE JONG talked rudely behind the back of one of the most intelligent women in the world calling her THE OLD ESKIMO & getting presents & free travel ...





More information may surface :     meanwhile the READERcould find interesting John Buchan`s  book PRESTER JOHN = the education given the African King & leader is NOT from the real HOMES of Thomas Immanuel GROTE – it is an education from the top of the BRITISH Class system -  & produces a MANIAC  ... good & bad emerging from his British superior education  :     


Think about it as you read this terrific tale from observation   :    

There is now much information on our HOMES of Uncle TIGGY on my 3 web sites ... our `delicate flower garden` around the globe ...  

We got into all TRANSPORT early – even that you see in the early Hollywood films, Wells Fargo ... but they became crooks ... Our safety standards gave the world safe sea travel, trains, AIR ... & so it was with all we invested in to keep our great PHILANTHROPY supporting education, sciences, medicine, arts, the green earth and the blue seas – CRIMINAL INSANITY out of SCOTLAND & Scandinavia wrecked all this ... replaced it with vulgar glitz ... & massive troubles EAST ...    





LIR 1934    “ ... Wimbledon Apartments ... your mother ... her friends ... her friends ... should have cut it out ... but was (were ?) so upset the way she was treating my parents ... ” 


 (NB:  not too clear but 1934 after my birth 1933 March `SHEshe` went off with `some sailors`  (- her old chums Louis Dicky-bird Mountbatten & co ... those who got her a prison sentence 1927 ... all of them partying, lunching, shopping,  on the old retired last heir to a Condiments Manufacturer Birmingham ... he was kept bedridden ... 1923-1927 ... survived a few years – but Police never found his old housekeeper ... nobody ... old Valet in his early 90s survived a year or two ... they had been with him since his boyhood ... the three of them enjoying their retirement ... domestics came in to see to the household but did not live-in ... (G.R. & others) ...  


(Reports newspapers in plenty DID exist until it was found payment by the hour could be gathered from WHITEHALL for UNLAWFUL REMOVAL of PUBLIC RECORDS / ... 

Diary entry by Arnold BENNETT known, seen 1929 - then goes missing )

  & December 1957 Lady Nancy Astor to Andre Malraux her London flat ... within 20 minutes JIM & thugs running WHITES Gents Club now a Vice bar St James` booted in just as MALRAUX left ... she an eye witness had told Georges-Andre more to add to what he heard from friends 1934 and from Mary Helena Gordon 1937 Summer ... the drugs-liquor happenings at Hilldrop Crescent 1920s ...

... BUT had him none the wiser about his name on the legal worldwide WILL 1937/1938 to the biggest Philanthropy Estate GROTE HOMES RANSOM seashores of the globe ( from our foreign brides of 2,000 years ) ... I G.R. had to flee to him as my mother was gone mad again with THEM & talking of poisoning me & collecting a big Life Insurance on me :   MALRAU insisted I move into his & de GAULLE`s `The Catholic Mission- annex French Legation, at No 50 Lancaster Gate Square :  I am put in the top most room, and am still this `beggar girl` he thinks ... but I have some little inheritance to come from “my intellectual equals” that is my great-aunts Miss Bessie Martha & youngest sister Annie Agnes sculptor, artist ... they of the 5 daughters of Teresa Murphy CARROLL Mrs John O`Brien Williams ... My Great Aunt Bessie Martha Miss Williams & General Charles de GAULLE have been meeting at Roman Catholic `bun-fights` during the Wartime years at Westminster Diocese & other R.C. hot spots  (tea parties = means bun-fights)   G.R. & others ...  


Georges = ANDRE MALRAUX :   His JAN STEEN Tavern Paris that he rents from 1946 & where the two boys born to JOSETTE Clotis & he 1940, 1944, are hostages have a professional nasty  “watch”  with Doc Mengele HARRINGTON & thugs on him who earns their bread =  ANDRE MALRAUX Paris, London :   

...   (you are unwise to ever take a cup-mug-goblet-soup bowl with any of those who are keeping his GUARDIANSHIP from him :   they all know the poisoning & doping LARK very very well ... from the 1900s ... & the 19th century ... )  


 (quoting MI5 July 1969 Harwell Atomic luncheon) ...

“ Green eyed women kept a hold of him ANDRE ... CLARA & her brother known the old gang of JIM & the others 1920s onwards – picked up with them as soon as this last War finished ... To his real friends, Andre, & the families of the ESTATE OWNERS & Administrators the matter was not understood other than it MUST be in the hands of the General he had taken up with = de GAULLE – landed it on the General so no questions must be asked ... !   :   THEM – Clacton seafront troublemakers from early this century -  still hiding the on-going GENOCIDE & robbing these nations OUTSIDE our Empire that was ...”


“ Well ... they`d all met up with General de GAULLE & his family when they came over here during the War – the big House in Suffolk ... (had witchcraft going on 1870s)   LINDSAYbuggarhs as the local Police called them,  still got their bolt-hole on Clacton seafront during the war years  ...  BUT all of `em SCARED that the on-going GENOCIDE could surface :   If you thought about it their idea to blame the `Jerry`  (Germans)  was not going to be believed ... ...”


“  ... bunch of them began to plan a robbery ... up in Scotland ... allowed to do as they please for too long on their big Estates ... eyeing the widow after he TIG was murdered by some of them on her island Arran (1904) ... seen the deeds ?   – she bought legally 98 acres end of 19th century ... wanted to make a home for her parents as they got older ... life on the Greenland island made difficult by the Scandinavians :    The Eskimo line is from the grandfather of her mother ... & he is also Chinese ... a great man ... also 6 and a half feet tall its well known ... had correspondence with a Pope at that time ... botanical medicine all that ... have you heard  (Captain)  Alan Villiers over at Oxford on him Poul the Gronlander - married a girl from shipping Carlisle the Yates family ... several kids ... older colleagues have heard all that ... calling Mrs Grote behind her back  “ the old Eskimo ”  ... ... ...  ”

20th century :  It was also known to MI5 & foreigners of the illegal growing of the dangerous narcotic Divinorum Salvia Scotland and that this paid their household bills nicely & left gambling money at the gee-gees ... G.R. & others 20th century ... 




LIR (probably referring to 1930s ?) 

 ... “  3 or 4 films made in Japan on the Grote Homes Children ... known to Hollywood ...”


 BOOK OF LEN III - LIR  ( Len Immanuel RANSOM ) ...

General Charles de GAULLE & ANDRE MALRAUX


 & THOMAS Im. GROTE HOMES for Children ...  

educating worldwide birth-7 years to 18 or into their 20s … 4 languages, all religions, Classical languages, ethnic languages  … GROTE CURRICULUM is sciences, medicine, music & arts, agriculture-horticulture PRESENT-PAST-FUTURE-PRESENT ...  From 1864 these worldwide HOMES are approved by the Nations outside GROSS BRITAIN ... first established across the Pacific, TIGGY had them encircling the earth twice by 1870 hence `a delicate flower garden a gold halo around the earth`  

1879 disapproved by GROSS BRITAIN Earls of LINDSAY-LINDSEY, then 1904 soon after the murder of TIGGY by SCOTS EARLS, disapproved of by the BOWES LYON Earl & Countess of GLAMIS CASTLE they are given a conventient 2nd World War GENOCIDE by SCOTLAND Aristocrats, Government & CROWN of BRITAIN – joined by some Royal in-laws Scandinavia  -  the GENOCIDE begins 1938 Christmas morning drowning 350 children all ages off NORWAY, continues into the 1950s –

1956 MEXICO this Genocide continues, spoken of in WHITES CLUB St James` as “ Hunting big & little GAME – gentlemen should put their names down on the list kept by Sir James” ...  ( that little bit of vermin now made the Club Steward Jimmie JONG created SIR JAMES 1st January 1954)  :   It is made known at early morning or late night meetings in this Club that expenses are available from The WHITEHALL Centre of GOVERNMENT =  & the British Diplomatic Embassies & Consulates the world give `best beds` AND their training has them understand they MAY NOT QUESTION MATTERS upon PROPERTIES SAID TO BE OWNED BY THE CROWN OF BRITAIN ... ... ... ”  


MEXICO HOME slaying 1956 -  a report 1988 to me  G.R.  by citizens of Mexico & members of USA Department of State, et al :    Reports, photos, oral and written, available 1939 into 1945 = “ nobody says THOMAS GROTE anymore – people die if they are heard by the British ... ”   :  Persons who knew of GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE were being ruthlessly hunted to death into the 1990s ... this GROTE-RANSOM Estate was claimed by EARLS of LINDSAY Crawford & LINDSEY from 1883 upon a marriage of Millie Frobisher to JOHN RANSOM widower (my great-grandmother Millie is a granddaughter of the insane ruthless EARL LINDSAY No 11, together with her cousin Violet ARTIST Lindsay (widow Rutland)  =  

see information these Documents on VIOLET ARTIST & MARY Helena GORDON 1937   :   


 ... “  BUT THESE CRIMINALLY INSANE of GROSS BRITAIN have given nothing but SORROWS to the 20th century entire world – it travels into the present century ...  2015 AD... ”  


Dr John RAY R. & Arthur MALONE Detective-Law

1960-1972 :   “ ... can you remember Zoltan ? ... he was on a visit to Malaya ... he came to know that these English gents robbed houses – hit the heads of young children-they rarely survived with their brains ... Then he was on a visit to England ... surprised they, whom he recognized, could play `English aristocrats` so well ...

 ... Jean Paul and Christoff like Medieval peasants when practicing for their Pantomime ... would go out in the town ... ” ...


( No, I do not recall them– I was under 6 years – probably he was a Singer, an actor  = sorry `Zoltan` – you sound like a good Guy ... and your friends  ( I can remember  “ I am the SPY from CASABLANCA  because he grows my porridgebefore the War ... and calls on the COLCHESTER KEEP & HOLLYTREES 1953/4 “ wanting to know about North African Ruins ...” (Film CASABLANCA)  ... )



“ BRIAN AHERN ...”    (British born actor, films Hollywood) 

born 1902 Kings Norton, Worcestershire  – d Florida 1986

(Dr John RAY)  & Arthur Malone Detective-LAW:   “ ... he contacted your father (about)  his little Estate (Austria ?) ... Do you remember him in that raincoat imitating a German Officer – how funny he was ... he called on your father several times ... could not make out his state 1960 ... he had been surprised at Andre not making contact ... Your father did not say that after he paid Arthur Malone the Detective the 2 years wages owing him ... a cheque ... he had found himself with NO MONEY – HIS OWN ... in the Argentine ! ”  


1960 Summer :   “  I think THEY, WHITES mob of JIMMIE,  told your father he was dismissed !  Now MALRAUX & de GAULLE knew the WILL !!   It could be only a matter of time, they guessed, before a copy was really HANDED to them ?   But the two deceived men did not receive the WILL and all  the other important documents 1960 end of February !!  The one Courier sent by the General to New York to fetch the package from Philip Silverlea  ( Phil (Silverlea)  terrified at what he read in all documents his daughter age 28 fetched from the old faithful Buenos Aries Solicitors in charge by Margaret`s parents from 1830 – and the further documents, Wills, he found in the archives of the former GROTE HOMES BROKERS Wall Street )   was robbed ... knocked out during the 3 hour wait his return to FRANCE to see the General ...this was very efficient robbery – shows that the General and Malraux had an efficient team of fraud & treason about them early on ... 1940s 2nd World War : 

After all,  Charles de GAULLE  (a fairly unknown General)  coming to England with the Free French in the Wartime had to be kept in the dark about the slaughter of GROTE CHILDREN in their HOMES happening under cover of the WAR ... around the World ! 

1960 February, return to FRANCE :   “ After robbing the Courier, knocked him out with food and drink during the hours he had to wait in that hotel before it was convenient for the General to see him  ... Well a few things were left in the package but as they say years on   “ nothing we felt we could move on ... interesting ... it showed there had been something ... ...  ... ”   Surprising they did not know anything about the AMERICAN worldwide miracle to educate children to a high standard ... not really perhaps ... after the murder of TIGGY in 1904 by SCOTS Nobles the HOMES had to be kept with a low profile ... those lovely proud gates were all taken down ... ”


“ ...  WHY did not Andre go immediately to see your father 1960 or 1961 ? .. Autumn 1961 angry LEN comes at him waving a copy the WILL .  We hear, and Andre later confirms it ... “  He, Andre, could not go near the General for a week ... ”  Did ANDRE not tell LEN he had NEVER seen it, not received it ?  We do not get answers here !   Clearly this was not just years of letters, packages to ANDRE MALRAUX being lost in the post ... May 1938 the initial package was sent to The British Embassy PARIS Ambassador PHIPPS top-dog (booted out of Germany for attempts to steal the Christmas Toys of the GROTE HOMES children & a near robbery of the RANSOM paintings in a historic House owned by the Ransom family from the 18th-19th centuries :    Yes naïve ? – but British Government propaganda insists that the British CROWN & Government House of LORDS have GOD granted purity : 

... We know Ambassador PHIPPS opened the package, saw the legal WILL and read the name of ANDRE MALRAUX as GUARDIAN to the CHILDREN of the GLOBE = we know he also opened and READ the handwritten letter to the FRENCH President in the handwriting of Margaret Grote and did NOT have the letter delivered to the French President !  A covering  letter from Margareth Grote to he, Ambassador PHIPPS representing GREAT BRITAIN, asks if he would kindly have this package given to M. Andre Malraux or delivered to his Publishers ... she says she has waited for him to contact her – he has not yet contacted her nephew and his children – she will be in ROME again visiting her grandson the Priest – she can be contacted via a Cousin-in-law in the VATICAN ...`


(NB :  My aunt Margarethe `girl of the Greenland snows` does NOT ask Mr VerminPHIPPS to open the package to MALRAUX or the letter to the FRENCH PRESIDENT ... ! 

 It was time that Britain dropped the `Great` :   PHIPPS and others of his kind were well aware that the Sailor King pushed into death January 1936 and his Heir Edward VIII had NO INTENTION OF DESTROYING THE GROTE HOMES worldwide ... situated in Nations A to Z all outside the BRITISH EMPIRE !  The GENOCIDE HAD BEEN PLANNED – indications are it was being planned as early as 1929 by certain SCOTS Aristocrats who slithered about WESTMINSTER by MOONLIGHT =  & had always lived by cantering across their draw-bridges slaying one another for gold-liquor-groceries-sheep & horses& exercise ... From their murder of TIGGY GROTE 1904 they talked over their Whiskey Barrels of sacking ELDORADO ... killing the `Old Eskimo` & having a share-out :   It was not until the 2nd World War they could fill their saddle-bags – putting ANGELA at The Helm of the British Nation Navy-Army it was a slaughter & robbery they came to regard as FUN ... They are all DOPE ADDICTS of course ...)


“  He, Mr PHIPPS, that British State Visit 1938 July, hands the legal WILL (made in USA accepted by the FREE world) and the letter to the President of FRANCE to `ANGELA` now a Queen of Britain making her first State Visit to FRANCE in July ... a great banquet was laid on at Versailles ... FRANCE had severe problems from the Depression 1920s-1930s ... the poor queued in Paris at the Barrack Gates for what the ARMY did not eat at meal times ... do we need to say more about the GREED of the British Crown and Aristocrats ... Oh - July 1938 Mister Phipps gets a Knighthood from the new Queen of GROSS BRITAIN ...”


“ ... remember Arthur Malone & the loyal band at COLNE Engaine that first month January 1960 discovering `an heir had arisen ... she had been born on a hearse ... trouble for the LINDSAY Earls was that she kept getting off !   The LINDSAYbuggarhs had also been having a slimey tug of war over the worldwide ELDORADO of TIGGY and the `OLD ESKIMO` ( Miss Margaret nee RANSOM)  with those GHOULS of GLAMIS Castle =  recall you heard as a schoolchild & teenager that the mother of Angela also played Witches like your mother did in the Wartime – you said she made queer rhymes & talked to a ghoul or demon when she had to stay in the Vista Road house to pretend she was looking after you three – her incantations - your school friends laughed but they knew she was dangerous – some had grandparents who could easily remember ANGELA in the 1920s on the Clacton seafront with the horrible LINDSAYbuggarhs as the Police called them ... ”  

“  A man who spoke to you outside Andre`s house Lancaster Gate (1957 October Lord XWY) said he and others had chased your mother and Angela out of Scotland because they had been threatening tenants ... they had names given them 1920 by the mother of ANGELA – Grey Kiel & a poison Rock plant for her daughter ...”   (he also said `ANDRE is A GOOD MAN –keep your mother away from him – I know she and ANGELA – THEY CAN DRINK A PUB OUT OVERNIGHT ...”  I felt weak at the knees - G.R. )


“ ... and we hear Miss Winifred Gordon a 13 years old Catholic Convent School girl is taken up to visit them – thus deceiving her parents George & Mary Gordon – Her parents had made it perfectly clear writing to the Countess (mother of Angela) that their daughter Teresa (her older sister)  was too young to enter society – they had no idea they lured Miss Winnie too!   Why ?   Ah 9 pieces of GORDON lands– & a Peninsula in New Zealand...inherited by your grandfather & his 5 brothers and 2 sisters ...”


“  Your father :   Ivy (his sister)  says she would not let MALRAUX near her brother Fred again ... After his call (1957 October) had your father seriously attacked his liver injured (he recovered but had to be checked until his murder by Doc Mengele HARRINGTON March 1969) ... An attack all organized by JIM the VICE Steward of that Club WHITES & the LINDSAY Earls gang –bastard Ed du CANN came too that night and his brother, your brother, JOHN – they rammed a school bench in your father`s liver again and again !! ”    


“ ... did Malone ever get to cash that cheque of June 1960 ?  – was it stolen ? Politian he called himself – Tutor to the Medici children.   The British Nation was being used by CROWN & Scotland Aristocrats to have these GENOCIDERS take money from Banks abroad with official help from the Embassies & their special accomplices :  We think your father and Ivy were being taken in by Nurse Mengele Harrington and her well known maniac husband Doctor Harrington – he used several disguises !   Since you were born (1933)  all postal deliveries were stolen or opened by these vermin ... private GROTE Papers examined ... the woman ANGELA a Duchess (1923)  then a Queen (1937)  is known to be a drug-addict, a heavy drinker and companion from childhood to these criminally insane drug-growing EARLS  = & some of her now Royal in-laws have lived on your family ESTATE worldwide moneys and then the GENOCIDE ... we look at them & feel they tread in rivers of blood & should be dressed in severed limbs of those children ...”  :


“  MALONE, he liked to call himself Politian ...  (Tutor to the Medici children, scholar and musician)  :   He had said he knew ANDRE was sending the money to pay he and his hired Detective from 1957 ...  & he did not doubt Andre – he knew why it did not arrive – both households Paris and London were with `the unclean` ... MI5 were surprised the 1950s at the goings-on in the PARIS household known generally as `the Dutch tavern ` ... In London at the Square he was surprised who came in, opened Andre`s post, someone constantly on duty at his desk and phone ... he found old MENGELE Harrington of the Play-Boy car even slept in Andre`s own bed ... used his room all that winter for heating, baths ... He could, of course, listen to what was going on in the whole place !   Your arrival gave them such a shock ... the PIMPS ... they had your mother the jail-bird move in to harm you both ... but she went ON THE TOWN for a bit ... old 1920s style ... then madness ... she or Mrs Mengele poisoned ANDRE ... he recovered with help from Brown rnvr ...”


“ ... Arthur Malone says he knew the Mengele couple were not to be trusted and swiftly learned the housekeeper and her assistant kept ANDRE without too many callers ... To find that Clara the divorced wife ( 1921-1946 ) had engaged the Housekeeper whom she knew in Paris in the Wartime had more shocks ... at the funeral of the Housekeeper, a suspicious poisoning death (c 1965 ?) that she had “run messages for the Gestapo in Paris as a young person” had him raise his eyebrows ... He was saddened to learn of deaths amongst this young staff from 1954 ... one the month before he was engaged as Detective !   The last had a friend Whitehall who had an Aunt who had known Margaret Grote !!    He had been surprised when first engaged (October 1957) to see who came in this lovely house no 50 Lancaster Gate Square ... and all those young Catholic boys, well young men ... all that money the Charity ... an older staff should have been in charge here ...

“Can you remember when Clara came to call on your Aunt Win – how she would NOT have her in the sitting room because she knew by then Clara was not a lady ... Clara was making a commotion ... her daughter could have her education destroyed because you and he had married in the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH – with 2 watercolours painted by a friend of your families since they were all young – he was now POPE PIUS 12 ! ... you were NOT to have any education !  Had you not been reminded that you were a Ward of `Young PACELLI` from soon after your birth !   Your aunt reminded Clara SHE was a divorced wife & provided for !  Clara said she had given Andre the DIVORCE on the understanding HE would NOT marry again !   They would ALL live together in PARIS !

... But your Aunt knew that General de GAULLE could not have ANDRE alongside him in public IF Clara was the wife – she behaved badly ... Anyway it was ONLY a sudden down the Registry marriage & he had been almost a teenager – she several years older  :   this kind of women at that time caught interesting or rich men ... moved on with a big Divorce settlement after 2 or 3 years :   Clara was on heroin from age 12 ... Professor Winncleman knew the family from the 19th century  ... ”


(  so CLARA DIVORCED ANDRE IF HE WOULD NOT MARRY AGAIN ! ... they were all to live in a big house in PARIS ... & live out the Roaring 20s again ... I still at Convent school did hear much that Summer-autumn 1947 in my terrible grief ... G.R.  ) 


“  BRIAN AHERNE never did understand what had been happening I think ... we all knew one another 1930s because of Uncle (Fred) MacMurray going between Wall Street and making films Hollywood and keeping an eye on young Cousin Clarke & advising he hide his Weddell San JULIAN family roots because the SCOTLAND EARLS were making crazy trouble .   He`d been warned at the beginning of his career that the British Crown & Earls were out to exterminate the INCA at last ... ”


“  I went to see my Buddy in Norway ... dismal reporting here ... ... ”


“  It was not until March 1962 that General de GAULLE held the legal WILL of Margaret Grote in his hands ... Kennedy family and Dr John RAY Ransom had got copies easily ...  But 1961 autumn, his 2 boys dead – 21 and 18 years old, poor ANDRE saw the WILL when angry Len came waving it at him ... Algiers had GROTE HOMES too & investments RANSOM families 19th century ...  ! ... ”   







 “  1960 your father that summer  ... ... ... ”  continues ...



FREDERICK JOHN RANSOM – born November 1911 - lst son of Frederick Charles Frobisher RANSOM  (my grandfather FCFR is the son of Millicent Frobisher & John Ransom Jacopsholmen Island West Greenland = the Ransom/Redemptio family holds office for ROMAN BRITAIN Londinium & SUFFOLK East Anglia)   & his wife, my ballerina grandmother, Jean Minerva ( parents Hesketh Bavaria-USA – grandparents Aelovedah-Maria only child of the philosopher INCA Acting Governor for Spain San JULIAN f. San Miguel he married Senorita Aquida of San Sebastian Spain 1810 ) WEDDELL Argentine & USA citizen

My father is born `Jerusalem` Park Road, Deptford November 1911, British Soldier `The British Army of Occupation Germany 1927-1931,  he also helps his Aunt Margaret nee Ransom widow Mrs THOMAS GROTE  administer the THOMAS GROTE HOMES for CHILDREN, giving education until 18 years & many continue into their 20s in all civilized pursuits RESEARCH - medicine-agriculture-seas & seashores, all Sciences & Arts etc ... & the 17th century onwards RANSOM investments (with safety & welfare built in)  & the RANSOM Estate running through Germany-Baltic-Georgia into China Japan and around the globe from 15th century – accompanied by the THOMAS GROTE HOMES from 1864 ) = 2nd World War September 1939 becomes Warrant Officer then Captain Frederick John RANSOM ... posted January 1940 to Philippines in stealth by Major JIM JONG this-&-that and EARLS of LINDSAY-LINDSEYbuggarhs who gave orders to kill him :  These maniacs claim all GROTE HOMES for DESTRUCTION & the entire RANSOM ESTATE – worldwide of course !  They by moonlight at Westminster represent the  BRITISH EMPIRE – their disgusting cruel profit making abroad gives them massive incomes from child slave labour ... children from 2 years employed – to die by 13-15 years ...


HAROLD Walter POULTER, Geologist, Deputy Curator COLCHESTER & ESSEX MUSEUMS 1934-1962, speaks to employee Miss Greta RANSOM & Andre MALRAUX in the Castle & Hollytrees Mansion Museum ... December 1953 – March 1954 ... and the years following ... 

“ It broke your heart Child & young Emperor Andre ...  to see what the Empires had done to Asia ... I went out before `the BOXER` with a colleague to study Bronze making ... we went round China for 2 years – one good Mandarin family passed us to another – I coming from a good Quaker family had no difficulties ... ... ”


MEMORY AID – for the READER  : 

JIMMIE JONG James, b. 1898/99 Port Arthur CHINA, of many worldwide savage crimes, has by1939 a 2-Man Unit back of Buckingham Palace – he has had a 2 room apartment there from 1921/23, & has 1939 become Major JIM James Special Unit INTELLIGENCE to the new King  ( this unexpected KING (George VI) of delicate health is the husband of JIM`s childhood chum ANGELA she born 1900 =  full name Lady Elizabeth Angela Marguerite BOWES LYON daughter of the EARL of GLAMIS CASTLE =  his wife is into black & white witchcraft (a previous Countess got burned at the Stake mid 16th century for poisoning the legal King of SCOTLAND) – unfortunately JIM & ANGELA grabbed a young horse rider Teresa E. Gordon age 9-10 years & take her off in secret to WIN at Private Races for them ...


See `1937 SUMMER ANDRE MALRAUX etc. – he a young writer with a soul has from his mother Bertha a 900 years Ancestral line HISTON family and many branches NORFOLK-SUFFOLK, East Anglia :   she with her family would visit to these ancestral families up to 1900s – they stayed with a branch at SAXMUNDHAM Hall Suffolk  ... Medieval times (see little DOOMSDAY book) they are the usual Sea fishers, traders, and small farmers, moving along the eroding SEAS EDGES to KINGS LYNN & along the SUFFOLK coast into the 19th century –

1937 SUMMER young Andre MALRAUX with Josette CLOTIS a young lady writer visits CLACTON-on-on-Sea and I Greta RANSOM 4 & half years, well travelled all my little life,  join them at the small house close to the town of a mutual friend whose husband works in Paris ... my RANSOM family who would have met them left on a tragic emergency SPAIN ...


But ANGELA NOW A QUEEN had given the EARLS of LINDSAY-LINDSEYbuggarhs the small SPANISH seashores Estate of relatives `Murgatroyd` retired Ethiopia Missionaries for the LONDON Protestant Mission – their 22 years old son, only child, a Coptic scholar who manages the little Estate for his parents was seized by the LINDSAY-LINDSEYbuggarhs July 1937 and in August they boiled him in a vat of marmalade adding lemon juice and olive oil for fun ... My father burned the place down when they were asleep – unfortunately 5 of them escaped – a small lorry behind one of the fruit sheds ...  


... the cousin of 22 was buried by the Spanish villagers in a place of safety ... his parents were never to be told of this horrible murder by THE EARLS OF LINDSAY-LINDSEY ... Malraux did not know until the 1960s about this SCOTLAND style murder = there are Records 19th-20th centuries of the Aristocrats behaving in similar style – usually to steal lands ...



JIMMIE JONG, a British Army MAJOR Summer 1939 `special 2-man unit INTELLIGENCE` back of BUCKINGHAM PALACE close to his 1921 granted 2-room private apartment – He uses false names from 1918 = real name JIM JONG James = uses O`Carroll-MacMurphy-CORDUROY-Hartlepool-Harrison etc :  Jim Jong Mr Pong has worked for  “certain Scots Lords by Moonlight” from 1st World War  = The well known Sackville family warn about him and do not let him come over their door step – they call him “ A PIMP who works for certain SCOTS LORDS by MOONLIGHT ... ”

He is recognized to be dangerously insane 1915 by his European educated Chinese-Indonesian family Port Arthur-Shanghai – they put this grandson to 2 years-apprentice training at the CHINESE OPERA = it had him with excellent marks for acting evil parts ... (they did their best for their difficult Scotland RN minor Diplomatic post fathered grandchild – their two Chinese-Indonesian daughters were educated Switzerland and very well-to-doo !  


During 1913/1914 near central London, Woodford Green Epping Forest it is JIM & ANGELA that have pestered the GORDON family since a second surviving daughter of four (Teresa Eliz. Gordon b 1906 November) showed excellent skills at 7-8 years at a Ceremonial & Police horses Training ground near London :  This branch of the GORDON-KELLOW family Edinburgh & Greenwich have a Grandfather John Frederick Gordon Mine Host the TRAFALGAR Tavern known for the WHITE-BAIT SUPPERS & the most beautiful ballroom in Europe (white-gold-apricot decoration) when State Barges bring members of Houses of Parliament down the River Thames from Westminster to the traditional Supper =  JIMMIE JONG James & Eliz-ANGELA-Marguerite BOWES LYON know of 9 pieces of Gordon family lands in Scotland (a piece alongside the Bowes Lyon GLAMIS Castle) & a Gordon Peninsula in New Zealand held by the 6 sons & 2 daughters of John Frederick GORDON died 1891leaving young children – he the very popular MINE HOST of that beautiful Tavern the Waterfront Greenwich & where he raised his big family – the 6 boys going to school by pony with 2 grooms across the GREENWICH Heath to Dr BELL`s Academy – a school well known 19th century = here Governess ANNA had the future heir and his brother of SIAM tutored for 2 years :  


Late 19th century the big GORDON family of Greenwich, children & some grandchildren, are known to Buckingham Palace & could call informally, greeting servants & kitchen staff and knowing persons who have private apartments in the Palace = It is very unfortunate that TERESA GORDON from a child showed JIMMIE JONG & ANGELA how to enter the Palace informally : 


1937 SUMMER the widowed in March MARY GORDON is telling ANDRE MALRAUX about  “ JIM a piece of VERMIN & ANGELA no longer the fresh faced girl we thought she was age 14-17 years of age 1914/1917 = time of The GREAT WAR ...”   = 1st World War ... “  had those two round me from soon after my last children were born (Harry & Esther) ... tiny children around my knees ... after losing the 5 in the Scarletina ( Diptheieria) plague ...


1937 summer - ANDRE MALRAUX 35 years old,  is telling my grandmother Mary Gordon , he age 23 November 1924, how he & young friends met her daughter Teresa Gordon 19 horse woman & a Miss Plunket Greene 17 in late December 1924 at Deauville, heard how they had been robbed by JIMMIE at Calais – loaned them money to come up to PARIS ... money repaid swiftly ... he and friend had asked her if she would like to come out East with them ... she said she had commitments to her Racing World ... `

...  I could recall hearing a lot of this 1920s time ... before her Prison Sentence 1926-31 when the Case split the GORDON Clan ... only the closest family giving sympathy to her parents brothers & sisters ... Sunday afternoons after cemetery visits and tea, a fire in the hearth, friends visiting talked of disasters – the Titanic, the dead of the 1st World War (GREAT WAR) and the horror of having the Teresa Gordon case in the London newspapers ... 


1957 October - St Edmund`s House 50 Lancaster Gate Square by the Parks at the MALRAUX & de GAULLE CATHOLIC MISSION & London home of Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX, he is speaking to me Greta-Greetha M. Caecelia Ransomabout Paris 1920s & meetingSHEshe Teresa who was away all that Summer from May 1937 to November 1937 at the CORONATION events of her chum ANGELA :  He says of December 1924/early 1925 ...

... “ the money we loaned your mother - it was repaid early January with a well written letter by your mother, thanking us for a delightful time – I and friend(s) had asked her if she would like to come out EAST with us – but she had Racing figures she preferred to stay in Europe with ... she and the girl she was with, who never spoke a word & had been very ill from a drink that JIM gave her at Calais, we were impressed that the two girls had Christmas Day at the British EMBASSY PARIS where your mother had stayed with friends since the end of this last War – I went home to my mother for the Christmas Day ... Clara had made arrangements to go elsewhere ... ”


READER may need to know I am not born until March 1933 But I have travelled my young life more than HIM !  Nord-Sud Poles and all between and stretching out to Malaya & the Galapagos ...




“ ... In 1960 June - YOUR FATHER 2nd World War Army Captain Frederick John RANSOM that SUMMER visited Colne ENGAINE & called at the `ghost house` as the cottage across the meadow had become known –

... Your father heard from Arthur Malone our Detective that they were waiting for ANDRE MALRAUX & General de GAULLE to reply to the package sent from New York & Buenos Aries :  He and old friends and representatives of newspapers of the Estate nations were very willing to expose the GENOCIDE of the GROTE CHILDREN  = yes, it had been carried out by certain SCOTLAND Nobles with important assistance from Lord Louis MOUNTBATTEN head of British Navy 2nd World War – The Estate nations that had had the HOMES were prepared to put on their newspaper front pages the question `WHERE ARE THE GROTE CHILDREN MOTHER ENGLAND ?    He and his helpers were ashamed to be British when they first tumbled all this last winter 1959-1960 January – then they got organized ...

Photographs, drawings, oral and written records would appear confirming the GENOCIDE – some official reports of the time 2nd World War have British ships standing 2 miles out at sea where seashore slaying of GROTE children occurred – sinking children in RN nets is recorded & photographed in a South American nation ... nets dragged up from Mediterranean, remains of tiny children all ages to 20 years or so given burial – pits being uncovered & photos ”  :

  ( `1937 SUMMER etc` has 1960 news `NIGHT WATCH`  as it reached us at Colne ENGAINE near Colchester that late winter into spring :  I have listed out all the messages that MALONE was receiving ... questions that might be asked... he would come over mid-morning with news ... then the deaths began in BUENOS ARIES ... this was horrible ... including in MAY the 28 year old daughter of the British Argentine citizen Philip Silverlea = 1st World War at Radley College – musician-writer-Insurance Broker ... I used to play with her on Clacton & Frinton beaches 1930s ... also with the niece of Patrick MacDrew that heiress of Castle Hedingham to be murdered age 9 years 1942 by Lord Lindsey (1943 Earl no 14) and 3 others ... she in my school class the Captain-Commadore LEAROY town school Llewellen Road CLACTON-on-Sea :   READER can find all this 2nd World War history in


NB:     Arthur Malone & Law figures he had studied with and others active in Politics & Law in these smaller nations got agreement they were ready to publish on front pages their newspapers as soon as the package from the New York & Buenos Aries Brokers-Solicitors was received by MALRAUX & his General de GAULLE – the two men would not be needed further – MALRAUX would see his name October 1937-January 1938 written in as GUARDIAN to the THOMAS GROTE HOMES children of the world !   It was not necessary to have these two eminent Frenchmen in politics take any further part only an acknowledgement that they had since the end of February 1960 in their possession the legal WILL of Margaret Ransom Grote, the Will of husband TIGGY murdered 1904 by Scots Lords, and the WILLS of her mother and father Gertrud nee Poulsen RANSOM & FREDERICK RANSOM of Montrose Basin farm and JACOPSHOLMEN Island off XRISTENSHARB, WEST GREENLAND ... all 3 WILLS legal the world and USA and acknowledged by Gross BRITAIN ...`


“ ...  But the 2 communications from Malraux & the General bid Arthur Malone Detective & his LAW teams overseas HALT – The two French Statesmen were first discussing with the Leaders of other Nations ... ` ... That June 1960 Malone said to your father that Iceland-Bolivia-Ecuador & some of the Asian small nations were fretting, threatening to go ahead - he felt he should `hold on` ... he had told you in March 1960 that he was anxious to have a reply from Andre ... `

 G.R. replies to this ...  “ ... 1960 March, mid morning Colne ENGAINE,  Malone Detective our Politian said to me, that frightened & threatened young woman age 27 years  “ I do not want to hit 1st April – April fool Day ! ”   In May-June 1960 he said  “ Iceland and a couple of South American nations are threatening to GO AHEAD on their own ... ... ... I do not think Andre would let us down ... but the General ... when they get into Politics ... its murky up there ... you never know ...  ”


 NNB :     Summer 1960 MY FATHER FJR WAS ROBBED for The British Crown and the SCOTS GENOCIDERS to keep the LID on this THEIR GENOCIDE their most HORRIBLE CRIME !  THEY EMPTIED HIS ARGENTINE BANKS, his WELSH and NORWEGIAN BANKS swiftly – this was THEFT of his own PERSONAL MONEY inherited from his big families and invested wisely from 12 years of age – THESE SCUM Aristocrats who could use WHITEHALL to manipulate FINANCE pretended he had ESTATE MONEY that belonged to the criminally insane ANGELA ...  My Father had liars threatening him – they must again have taken his passport !    I was unable to comprehend after spring 1960 – my tiny caravan home was sprayed with a fine white powder and all my beverages DOPED with these medical powders that produce severe memory loss :   Mengele HARRINGTON the pedophile Doctor a G.P. 2 years study Hong Kong 1945-47 & his foul pest women & Aristocrats LINDSAY-LINDSEYbuggarhs hung about Colne ENGAINE part of  Summer 1960 with horrible threats – Hearing some of them one midnight come in 3 cars, the BRITISH `TERRITORIALS` caught one dirty Aristocrat & put HIM in his larder with a sign PRIME PORK – they had wanted HIM for other crimes in Scotland for a long time !  

1960 Summer – IVY Jean RANSOM sister to my father FJR & his two living brothers Dr John RAY R. USA, and Len Immanuel RANSOM  (his wife and 12 years old son slain by these Aristocrat Scots)  says `young Fred` he came to live with her at Deptford & said that Summer 1960 that he was in need of a rest ... he had his LAMP LIGHT writing to do ... his Journal `SANCTUS SPIRITUS` ...

... She did not suspect he had no family moneys– or that his passport had been taken again by the CROWN – as in 1937 after the Glamis Castle Witch mother of ANGELA June 1936 had me illegally kidnapped on the Continent from my family one early morning by BRITISH SCREW  (that is the name for the British Diplomatic Force in the 1920s-1930s) ... 1937 & 1938 we went to the British Law Courts twice & I am granted my Passport back – twice it went missing in the post to the Passport Office – a Judge died, the next had his 2 grown sons harassed ...

...  WAR CAME 1939 ... a drug-addict & very hard drinking woman ANGELA had a dustbin on her head with the famous diamond the KOHINOOR on top of it ... the usual cheating & slaying went on of distant relatives, some in Scotland with small holdings,  & robbing with violence of the GROTE RANSOM ESTATE was carried out in SPAIN 1937 July-August to our Protestant Missionary relatives retired from Ethiopia ... etc ...


1945 July PARIS -  The Author Ernest HEMMINGWAY ( book and film on Spanish Civil War  `For whom the Bell tolls`)  called out to Andre MALRAUX in PARIS an apartment full of people July 1945 saying   “ I have found you a disused JAM FACTORY in North America – owner says after THIS you can do what you like there ...”    

... MALRAUX thinking he was being insulted turned on his heel and left – if he had received the WILL of my Aunt MARGARET RANSOM GROTE he could now with others begun to stop the last GROTE HOMES Children worldwide being horribly slaughtered drowned & burned by these hog British Aristocrats & the British Crown :   our restoredgracious HOMES used for the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN for holidays, now so often fouled & destroyed by these SCOTLAND DRUG ADDICTS on pellets of Divinorum Salvia Scotland grown by them - & worn  UP THEIR SNOUTS ...       ) 


 (  1923 onwards it is recorded how OBSCENE SCUM came out of SCOTLAND & began to rule BRITAIN and England`s green and pleasant lands ... to get a `good time` and demolish other nations seashores, EDUCATION,  & rob the world of natural wealth :   This is the world I was growing up in & take an active part in with my families from the mid-1930s !!   Records, photos,  remembering back the visits to so many nations, it was obvious that the foul creatures of the globe were these Scots aristocrats - & their kids were being trained in greed & racism :

 They should 1930s have been dumped on South Georgia & Islands & left ... thus a million GROTE HOMES children & settlement families would not have been slain under cover of the 2nd World War so that BRITAIN COULD BE RICH ... its Aristocrats that is...  G.R. ...


NOTA BENE :    IT WAS NOT UNDERSTOOD FOR 2 YEARS THAT THE ONE COURIER from DE GAULLE end of February 1960 FRANCE-NEW YORK-FRANCE had been waylaid on his arrival in FRANCE ...  his precious package opened, only some bits and pieces left that showed  “ ... there had been something ...”  =   `but nothing that MALRAUX & the General felt they could move on ... `



  ALL THAT WAS NEEDED from General de GAULLE and ANDRE MALRAUX  WAS THEIR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIVING THIS PACKAGE – they are in no way needed after this !   But the first message believed to be from them told Law-detective Arthur MALONE to DELAY !  ... When truth discovered March 1962 General de Gaulle said   “A gigantic obscene piece of State Craft by Gross Britannia”  !   BUT it later appears that my father had perhaps had his passport removed, as well as being ROBBED in the name of ANGELA Bloody Liar & LINDSAYbuggarhs of all his inherited or well earned moneys – Doctor Mengele HARRINGTON & JIMMIE set upon him & the usual threats `we will lock up everyone Fred if you DARE go on with administering this property belonging to the British Crown & its LINDSAYBUGGARHS ...`


  ?  And these distantly related to my family insane VERMIN  probably got FALSE MESSAGES SENT to my father  ... such as ` We now have ANDRE lad & the GENERAL to help us administer this Estate of your daughter as she is a dumb beast & an APE & ESKIMO like you and your families !!! `  I grew up with this trumpeted at us from Aristocrat GROSS BRITAIN out of SCOTLAND !  ?


And we all know how little Vermin JIMMIE goes on ( he becoming Sir-Cur-Major this-that)  & his heavy drinking chum ANGELA & the JURASSIC BOG TROTTING LINDSAY-LINDSEY always with a swag bag hanging from their back pockets ... A MOB OF GENOCIDERS could so easily use the lawful Administrators of the Government of VERMIN  BRITAIN and the Government of FAIR FRANCE ...


There followed false messages from the beginning - end of February 1960 :   READERcan turn to NIGHTWATCH 1937 SUMMER Andre Malraux, Josette Clotis, Greta Ransom Clacton-on-Sea and WEST GREENLAND ...



RESEARCHERS :   SPANISH CIVIL WAR 1936 :  INFORMATION given during that long SUMMER 1937 by ANDRE & JO on SPANISH CIVIL WAR, they coming from it 1936 :   do not believe the BAR RAT biographers who smear & sneer about those, with a soul,who went to help have a kinder world ...


1937 MAY :  BRITAIN & its EMPIRE  :    Queen ANGELA & LINDSAYBUGGARHS Earls, this year are able to openly call themselves `the British Crown` , had boiled in a Marmalade Vat adding lemon juice & olive oil as he moaned & called The Scriptures the Coptic scholar & little Estate manager the 22 years old son of the SCOTLAND `Murgatroyd` family they Protestant Missionaries retired from Ethiopia : this their Spanish seashores little philanthropy Estate – I a relative ...


THIS SPANISH ESTATE WAS GIVEN THE EARLS of LINDSAY-LINDSEYbuggarhs by childhood friend ANGELA her Coronation in May 1937 :  


Near by was a half a hillside owned & managed by RANSOM cousins & near to a GROTE HOME with dead children :  this hillside was spitefully logged 1948 by Lord Dave LINDSEY & gang for his father Earl LINDSEY no. 14 (1943) who had to kill the Castle Hedingham heiress age 9 in 1942 in order to PAY the British Income Tax the DEATH DUTIES for the previous 2 Earls LINDSAY who died 1940 & 1943 ... the hillside denuded of trees began to slip towards the seashores ...


References  :   `1937 SUMMER` &  for shorter relevant pieces :

Ref.   Ernest HEMMINGWAY 1945 July – in the above & in this File LEN III  & ANDRE MALRAUX & General de GAULLE :


... “ OBSCENE STATE CRAFT by BRITISH GOVERNMENT & CROWN ...”  FRANCE had been DECEIVED again by Aristocrats & NEW Crown figures out of SCOTLAND ... MALRAUX is to be killed & his GUARDIANSHIP to be mocked should it be made public :  

... beginning Christmas 1937/New Year 1938 it was learned by stealth by these SCOTLAND EARLS that the GUARDIAN chosen worldwide for the GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE encircling the globe was the young writer ANDRE MALRAUX :   he is judged by civilized people to be the best GUARDIAN the CHILDREN of the GLOBE could have to GUARD THEM from the rapacious BRITISH ARISTOCRATS who did NOT wish the WORLD in and outside their EMPIRE to have civilized education ...I hear them drawling that `IT WOULD BE IN THE WAY OF CHEAP LABOUR for GROSS BRITAIN


( COMMENT  Miss Greta Ransom ...

 I am dressed in boys clothes & called `SWEPPES`  a world FLYER in training  - from birth)

I have (1883)  these very distant-distantly related vermin around me -  predators !  these Aristocrats of fine living , satin-and-lace-diamonds-luxury – I find them ignorant & greedy – terribly ill bred and boring :  There had been a GREAT WAR 1914-1918 and there was NO DOUBT that another was to begin at any time late 1930s ... MY FATHER `YOUNG FRED Ransom`  & his Army friends are trying to make plans should this happen – the nation is NOT prepared for another WAR  :   of course, the Aristocrats would make big money out of weapons factories ...

1937 SUMMER over 3 months I  SPEAK ON THESE MATTERS as ANDRE-GEORGE Malraux young author & I go out on the seashores – leaving JO a young lady a bit of peace to write her ideas for her books ... in the evenings we all often go dancing – Uncle Harry and friends sometimes come too  :




1960 JUNE a quick visit one early morning to the little cottage ghost house, Colne ENGAINE,  “  YOUR FATHER paid Arthur MALONE 2 years Detective work and those he had hired and fares for Phil (Silverlea)_ to go and see the CLOTIS family Toulouse & Paris (January 1960) ...

Arthur Malone said to “Captain Fred Ransom”  ` that he was sure ANDRE had sent the money - but THEYoften managed to pick monies off in transit ... shaking his head Arthur said `beware that household ANDRE has in PARIS ... its called a  `JAN STEEN TAVERN` - can`t get the 2 boys out of their - hostages ... quiet reports from old friends `in the business` shocked at the life there – said amazing how it was kept from the General - de GAULLE ... Andre in London more than half the time ... only place he could get peace to work ... but THEY should not have been let over the doorstep ... housekeeper engaged by old CLARA ... she had known her in PARIS during the War ... `

` ... Well you could half-hear odd things about the wartime from people coming in there ... certainly not hearsay ... (Malone said) he`d stay here Colne ENGAINE on NIGHTWATCH – nice little village & he went to the church on Sundays ... disturbing matter of Castle Hedingham still around ... Pat MacDrew his niece 1942 ... a 9 years old in young Greta`s class CLACTON – more to learn there ...  if only he had known more when engaged by ANDRE October 1957 ... Place quickly seemed odd to him and Phil ... and a few others he had heard ... All those young men well boys really living in ... you`d expect an older staff would handle all that big CATHOLIC fortune ... 19th early 20 centuries he had learned ... Miss Bessie Martha & her sister Miss Annie the artist, your in-laws the great-aunts of young Greta, seemed to have known these CATHOLICS back then – when the two ladies came from their LIVERPOOL (Walton) MISSION 1900s ...he was still learning more about here, Essex- Suffolk ...   `  (ARTHUR MALONE who calls himself `Politian` tutor to the Medici children)


1960 that SUMMER –  “ So your father found he had nothing in his Argentine Banks – or Wales or Norway his private moneys ... That spring and Summer it was believed MALRAUX & de GAULLE had received the package of legal WILLS, letters & documents back to mid 19th century concerning the HOMES of TIG worldwide – but they immediately sent a handful of communications in reply to that PACKAGE  saying  `consulting with other Leaders ... hold on ...`  But nobody considered that perhaps they had NOT got the complete package given that ONE Courier the New York Airport  ... this was it ! ... G.B. STATE FRAUD - & FRANCE had 5 GROTE HOMES 1939-1945, one in PARIS until 1953 CHRISTMASTIDE !


... Your father had a collapse that late summer 1960 said his sister ... nobody asked him if he had his Passport or were THEY  (the very very distant relatives the  LINDSAYbuggarhs)  at their old game – when they kidnapped you 1936 – then took everyone`s passports ...”  


`  King dead hurriedly January 1936 next King kicked out by his sister-in-law of Scotland ... last thing anyone wished ... as we kept hearing then and now,   “ ... you do NOT let THEM out of SCOTLAND ... but keep THEM behind that WALL ... ... ”


“ Your father said nothing that summer-autumn 1960 about this robbery of his own moneys !  Ah - only that he could not pay your mother the big monthly sum he had given her from 1948 for herself and his 3 children ... SHE SPENT IT ALL ON HERSELF & played the game of `Widow`s Mite` ...She was spending it all on keeping up her 1920s life and THEY encouraged her ... she should play MATA HARI as they all did back then – River Thames Inns could tell a lot here  !   But ALL of THEM had her through the back door and dining wining  - & Racing Days had her PAY to keep up with THEM = again she kept an expensive room in London - keep her togs ...”  

(  Greta Ransom comments :   ...  her expensive going out clothes – she also wore wigs !  I saw one blonde fall out of her big black handbag at No 50 1958 when she forced her way in that Christmastide 30 December first week New Year 1959 ... She was clearly having the old life of 1920s-1930s-Wartime 1940s around the town, the Races, and up and down GROSS Britain ... and giving `Eldorado` away to keep in with this Genocide SCUM ... )

“ Letters were sent by us, others, but your Father would never get them ... he had a room with sister Ivy Ransom Deptford, near where they had grown up the Park Road house on the corner `JERUSALEM`  : Sad brave IVY she had not married again after the hit-and-run of her 9 years old in Switzerland outside her Estate ... He (Rawsthorne) the composer groused after the divorce – he`d be warned what it was about – shut your mouth if you want to live ... ... ...  

“ ... ANGELA (Former Miss Bloody Liar as City figures her age called her 1960s  ) & her Mum & JIM little bit of Vermin & the EARLS (Lindsay/Lindseybuggarhs) not content with dirtying & profiting from their GENOCIDE along the seashores in every nation of the world outside Britain & its dissolving Empire were now after the RANSOM  underpinning to Tiggy`s destroyed HOMES ... so brilliantly managed by your father since he and intelligent people helped him get this vast 19th & 20th centuries transport & the other investments off the duckboards that these GENOCIDERS had it on 1945 ...

... 2nd World War Captain Fred John RANSOM got left high and dry 1960 Summer  ... he was weary and told nobody enough ... he must have felt let down by MALRAUX & the General, de GAULLE ... 4 FRENCH GROTE HOMES destroyed & the last in PARIS in 1953 by LORD DAVE LINDSEY & friends He had been going dangerously mad since we all knew him before the WAR at the CLACTON seaside ... Some children saved, found after the war - hidden or removed to USA or South America ... ”


`  WE DO THINK THAT FJR RECEIVED SOME FALSE COMMUNICATION FROM MALRAUX & de GAULLE  (as Malone & others came to wonder after his very early death March 1969 – Maniac Royal chum old Doc Mengele HARRINGTON and his blonde dolly-bird Nurse Missus were found to have been hanging about he and sad trusting IVY ... )  

FALSE MESSAGES saying he was relieved of command this RANSOM ESTATE for his daughter ... If so it was the dirtiest trick in the world – this SCOTLAND drug growing SCUM had done it to others down the decades ...`


1946 into the 1960s - many people felt THEY the GENOCIDERS should be put in an RN net and lowered in the seas alongside the GROTE CHILDREN where they were seen or known to have done this  !   In 1960-61 a great fuss in silence to depth charge the areas where the GROTE CHILDREN had been sunk in R.N. nets

The dead children were always just inside the 2-mile limit off shores of the nations where they belonged ... MORE DIRTY TRICKS by the GENOCIDERS :




1937 into the 1980s DIRTY TRICKS CONTINUED– murders, robberies, false witness, removal of the existence of people and whole families !   The ARISTOCRATS of GROSS BRITAIN had these Nations by the tail ... and because our Estate has been worldwide since the 15th century they, Scotland Earls and Queen Angela now had shackles on parts of the globe :   The Kennedy family are amongst those who had helped protect the HOMES and parts of the RANSOM Estate - they have a son as President of the USA John Kennedy - he took back in USA some of the robberies of Angela – Margot Tenant & Cynthia – Earls of Lindsay-Lindsey & their relatives & in-laws ...

JOHN KENNEDY from a young man has known drunken ANGELA with her little jeers since his father was Ambassador a short time England : But he had no idea that ANDRE MALRAUX had not received Will and correspondence on the ESTATE sent 1938, 1939, and 1944  (causing the death of Josette)  until autumn 1961 :   READER can find the death of Josette in `Pierre Drieu la Rochelle` one of the SEAS EDGES files of work – other sites :

President KENNEDY personally wrote Angela `the former Miss Bowes Lyonto `keep out of my nation` - he began to see the photos, records of GROTE CHILDREN being sunk at sea, burned in pits, hacked to pieces ... the British GENOCIDERS were known to have the dangerous drug in pellets Divinorum Salvia Scotland stuffed up their SNOUTS ...


1960s - Nobody seems to understand sufficiently that  Jim Jong Cur James Major this-&-that ...  & pedophile maniac Doc `Mengele` Harrington were always powerful, essential,  in this gigantic FRAUD  its continuation throughout the 20th century – it has continued into the 21st :  ... 1953 they had permission from Danish & Norway Mountbatten members, always short-of-big money,  to use all the infra-structure of Britain ... to keep ANGELA safe ... and nobody in administration was to question what they requested ... READER can recallthat this Play-Boy MOB were heavy DRUG ADDICTS from when they got into two figures of age :   unfortunately very young children were begun in training “ for their roles in life ”  – to uphold the Aristocracy ...






TIGGY thinking he was with civilized in-laws asked if the EARL & families would like a GROTE HOME in the City of ABERDEEN ...

The answer was blustering threats – They said they would halt his path !   they would cross his path over these HOMES – he was daring to get in the way of The BRITISH EMPIRE ...

Tiggy GROTE recognized they were going to kill him – heard more that evening – he disappeared & was got off shore to the Continent within hours ...

1983/84 - The EARL & close male family were to have a shock by the end of the year ... & before the close of the 19th century they killed many people in their way – they had intended grabbing the whole ESTATE swiftly after they allowed the marriage of Millie Frobisher & widower John Ransom ... 


1883:   After the marriage & reception in the City of London Saint Magnus the Martyr – it is the church of the Seamen on the River Thames waterfront - the happy couple Millie FROBISHER to John RANSOM are expected to make  `a VISIT` her grandparent the EARL of LINDSAY Crawford, accompanied by her mother who had married into the FROBISHER line of Tudor Mariner Sir Martyn Frobisher – and all the close RANSOM & FROBISHER families :

NOTA BENE :   The LINDSAY EARLS had allowed this marriage only to get control of the RANSOM GROTE ESTATE – it proved difficult – As the year passed, the young couple believed to be on the CONTINENT & after some months to return,  these SCOTLAND Noble THIEVES had an almighty SHOCK that year 1983 into 1984  :   The young couple with families and friends began to take some honeymoon in France but had invitations a worldwide tour of some HOMES and more importantly our ANCESTRAL lines –  ( These Earls are quietly known to some SCOTLAND tribes to be criminally insane & terrible thieves of paintings, books, lands)


The Aristocrat LINDSAY-LINDSEY were to receive a shock when they realized that an Invitation was accepted from The EMPRESS of JAPAN  (educated families)  who received them all  “ in the Chrysanthemum Court ”  ... because one of the RANSOM brides is from the 1504 marriage Bruges,  she The Lady Japan of Okinawa aged 27 years (safe in a Convent while her brother sails) marrying the 40 years old Widower F. RANSOM – We are an old JAPAN Royal Line from this marriage to the widower F.R.  –  the EARL LINDSAY Crawford had screaming fits -  & ordered the popular well liked Ambassador Sir Harry Parkes to  “ RETURN TO BRITAIN IMMEDIATELY”   !


NOTE for the READER-researcher :

 It is possible a cousin of MILLIE nee Frobisher, VIOLET ARTIST, went on this honeymoon 1883/84  or part of it – Violet is telling my grandmother Mary Gordon autumn 1937  `the Earls had power over girls & young women – you were frightened of disagreeing with them – she & Millie had come to know young people outside the families – they encountered THE SOULS ... ... ...  (information in Books of LEN & Malraux, and other files of work these web sites) ...  


My grandpa back then 16th century  (father of our MAGGIE RANSOM Carew deceased Carew deceased RANSOM – file under her own name


F.R.  ( Asia-China-Japan my grandmothers 15-16th centuries)  he has a mother who is the daughter of the great philosopher HUE ARTAN = His seashores are now NORTH KOREA a Peninsula – a great statue built by himself 1450 AD has the instructions to us his blood line to “ ALL COME HOME in your lifetime – I shall be waiting for you here on the CLIFFS ” ... I was stopped calling on him (his 16 foot statue) by the 2nd world WAR coming 1939 September !    


And F.R. father of Maggie Ransom 2 CAREW husbands, has a grandmother who is of MONGOLIA `the Lady of the Mystical Condition`   = and his great-grandmother from the SIBERIA border ... In these SEAS we sail under the personal FLAG of ZHENG HE` the great Moslem Admiral - he came aboard to talk Philosophy ... `1937 SUMMER Andre Malraux, Josette Clotis & Greta Ransom, Clacton & West Greenland - & other webs :


92 AD :  BUT WE MAKE A HEIMAT in SUFFOLK, buying land Dunwich,  the Seas Edges of Oceanus Germanicus BRITAIN from 92 AD  – We hold the Post for ROMAN BRITAIN, previously held by us at LONDINIUM from 77 AD  the Office of `REDEMPTIO = taxes= Latin = Ransom /  6th to 7th  centuries our name becoming gradually RANSOM :


MORE SHOCKS FOR THE LINDSAY-LINDSEY EARLS – sent them hanging by their tails =  The coming centuries brings us  of the main line Redemptio=RANSOM winding up to Montrose Basin 1500 : There are ARAB blood lines from 3 grandmothers PALESTINE 12th -13th  centuries -  Miss Roxanne, Miss Hebithiaea a poetess  (I would have loved to be christianed her name !)  , and Miss `Goldie Locks` niece of an eminent Arab scholar, trader, mathematician ... we have never lost these cousin lines ... one line goes into Monte Carlo which is why 19th century photos show our Family ship `Mary Rose` in the bay :  RANSOM brides have left their histories – the 17th-18th century brides are from 3 different Red Indian tribes – they all could read and write nicely !


The brides reach back to 1st century AD – I love my grannie of the 6-7th century `Aurora` with “ Eyes the colour of the Spanish Dawn ”  writes her 5th child who is crippled but is happy to be the Family scribe = he tells about his parents - how her father his grandfather a prominent BERBER tried chase away RANSOM sea trader (sailed in for marmalade-hay-fruits & nuts) ...  !   Then learned he had good ROMAN EMPIRE ancestry !   (  Hhmm – perhaps this refined BERBER may not have liked THEM at UDEWALLA Jutland 1st century BC & 1st century AD ! ) 


This angry father with a 6 foot beautiful daughter, educated,  is scholar-farmer-trader-important figure on the CITY Council of CASTILE – Aunt Margaret nee Ransom  widow of TIGGY GROTE stayed with the descendants in 1929 – Her father  `old` F.R. of Montrose & Jacopsholmen Island West Greenland had always known them from his ancestors trading & visiting from MOORISH SPAIN days ... my father `young Fred Ransom` and brother Dr John RAY called on them 1948 – and LENNIE would easily fly-in as he and I used to fly the world 1930s ...


WE RANSOM families ARE 14 Races & 27 Nations ... Italy, Egypt, Iceland, 12th century Montreal ... We do not lose them ... and they write-read-and bring DOWRY lands along THE SEAS EDGES ... on these 1864 TIGGY began to make the real HOMES for orphan children of the world ...


19th-20th centuries ... THE LINDSAY-LINDSEYbuggarhs hate them all !  THE LINDSAYbuggarhs hated all us 1930s the SEASIDE :  In the mid- 1980s  Lord DAVE LINDSEY told PJPW of the BMNH,  the father of VAW my daughter,  that  “she would not be allowed to go far with her music” ... He was `done in` in 1989 ... Our encounters at the seas edges can be read in ... under the years & months :   He had gone mad,  become horribly dangerous,  as a 12 years old being trained on purple-plum pellets up his snout an hour or two a day – Divinorum Salvia Scotland ... all these evil CLANS grow it illegally in SCOTLAND ...




REMINDER :   WINSTON CHURCHILL (2nd world War British Prime Minister) is saying January 1960 to Philip Silverlea  (both  are Men of Letters and they regard Andre Malraux as Man of Letters too )  ` ... told them to stop growing it ... “ LINDSAY a BLOODY NUISANCE since the PLANET BEGAN ! ”  ... know they won`t ... took one DSO off them each – they had awarded themselves two this last War ... Teresa Gordon ruined her life getting in with a penniless Lawyer called DU CANN ... also grow it ... ” 




1920s-1930s :   “ PIERRE LAVAL

French Minister & a Prime Minister   –

 he could`nt be made to look after the GROTE CHILDREN – once he knew WHO was concerned ... ”

His career & behaviour is presented in “ the DARK VALLEY- a Panorama of the 1930s ”  by Piers Brendon born 1941 published 2000 AD Jonathan Cape :   the author, 8 years younger than me G.R.,  gives very good history of the 1930s = some figures & advancing events, places,  I know from my birth & am present at many important meetings with my families and friends :

 LIR- LEN keeps diaries since he is 12 years and my father his journals `SANCTUS SPIRITUS` ... also LETTERS from JEAN to her USA educating son JOHN RAY – The baby John born 1917 had to be hidden from Scotland Earls  Lindsaybuggarhs violence – 2 of their women had attacked the baby at 1 month old – the EARLS had given out there must be NO HEIRS to the GROTE HOMES and RANSOM ESTATE !   These creatures use a dangerous drug they grown in Glens in Scotland – Divinorum Salvia Scotlandpellets are stuffed up their SNOUTS to aid them in their greedy VIOLENCE


WHAT IT IS ABOUT  :    savage demolition & greed :   cunning plotted GENOCIDE & robbery of the worldwide GROTE HOMES educating  CHILDREN to 18-20s years of age in all CIVILIZED activities needed by human beings & their families, to see that BRITISH TITLED MANIACS continue ruling the GLOBE & keeping education from the populations of free nations – and stay obscenely privileged and rich :  a hoard of JURASSIC BOG TROTTERS have got out of SCOTLAND by MOONLIGHT - over the ROMAN EMPIRE WALL built by the Emperor HADRIAN to keep savages out of BRITAIN-England :  These dangerous dope-growing titled criminally insane DOPE ADDICT boozing Runts & TOLKIEN Spider females ( see book “LORD of the RINGS”  )  should have been deposited on SOUTH GEORGIA & islands by the end of the 1920s at least  ! 

THUS, finding the DEPRESSION Europe & world allows THEM to craftily commit massive crimes to get rich ... These SCOTLAND & some SCANDINAVIAN MANIACS of violence & GREED are also out to commit robbery of our miracle RANSOM Estate :  during the 1930s the murders by them of my families, distantly families, mounted – they intended wiping out entirely the GROTE HOMES and the history of RANSOM honour & honest trading & investments ... Their progress can be followed through this ASSEMBLY of facts & the other web sites – has in depth RECORDS :



SUFFOLK RANSOM families :   The families 19th-20th centuries knew their histories very well :   Suffolk 92 AD we buy land Dunwich :   We are Seatraders and  `The REDEMPTIO`  under the Roman EMPIRE in BRITAIN – our position, from our Mediterranean trading 2 centuries is we are trusted TAX gatherers for the ROMAN REPUBLIC & then the ROMAN EMPIRE ... because we are regarded as very honourable –

 the READER 2015 AD  can find our family RANSOM still there in SUFFOLK East Anglia – ( DNA may be able to take us back to UDEWALL Jutland BC or the Mediterranean BC-AD ?)   we are the senior branch but have to hang just once by the woman (Maggie Ransom daughter Of the Lady Japan & F. Ransom – she marries a Carew who dies at sea with their son :  “ take another Carew ”  is advised by Tudor King Henry VIII whose father knew we RANSOM the SEA TRADERS ...

I HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN my Grandma Maggie in our recorded histories – the FILE-WORK assembled on her is on this web site ... READERS will like Maggie - a brave young woman, learned, travelled, taking care of the HEIMAT  :    

1939 October :   the mug-alleys of Earls of LINDSAYbuggarhs & JIMMIE JONG took grandma Margaret/Maggy her Venetian silver-moonlight frock from our Farm house of 1500 Montrose Basin after murdering the 2 old Ransom husband and wife ( she a Miss Prestwich/Priestly ? of Birmingham )    I would have worn this frock on my 21st birthday as our generations down the centuries have ...the frocks were famous 16th-17th centuries -  made in Venice from silver thread fabric –READER will find that some Costume Museums have one  ...




1930s - PIERRE LAVAL - French Government Prime Minister :

... he has become aware that big evil figures of Gross Britain are out to get rich by demolition of worldwide GROTE HOMES for CHILDREN & the RANSOM ESTATE on whose seashore lands the world they are built – and from whose investments they are supported – with a surprising amount of private funding for the HOMES from worldwide respected & enlightened persons of all Nations :  that the plotting to remove Edward Windsor the future King has begun in the 1920s – Britain with its Empire was a frightening & awesome world player :


The slaying of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN to lay hands on world seashores will begin 1938 Christmas morning NORWAY drowning 350 GROTE children on a beach with fast tide coming in and no way of escape ... 2 or 3 children saved by rowing boats ... smuggled to USA ... first reports are from BERLIN, an Embassy Berlin, and the VATICAN !  TERRIBLE NEWS is RECEIVED BY US, the young RANSOM family a cold winter January morning 1939 – I see again my stunned young father walking up and down saying  “ MALRAUX – HE MUST SPEAK OUT as the GUARDIAN – he maybe in NEW YORK ... He MUST speak out – HE HAS TO PROTEST – why has he NOT !!   I, we cannot speak out – THEY will have us marched away as British citizens – killed – HE MUST SPEAK OUT !  PROTEST ! ...” 

(January 1936 the Sailor King George V is hurried into death – euthanasia – and his heir is being more vilified because he finds an American woman intelligent ! – newspapers !)


1939 January :  LENNIE & I that morning in the ancient Old Road house, CLACTON-on-SEA  - we, so many people worldwide,  do not know that the legal WILL, and weeks of documents, letters, sent to our GUARDIAN the approved young writer Andre Malraux have been cunningly removed from him BRITAIN and sadly FRANCE since January 1938 !   

1970 January The Pillar House, HARWELL, he speaks to us of  ... and you know, I believe Peter, that I had TREASON in my house in France and (looking sadly at me)  in my HOME in London at 50 Lancaster Gate Square ... ”


PARIS of the 1920s-1930s- & France of the 1940s – 1961/62  :   

Andre Malraux born 1901, his wife Clara born 1895 – they made a marriage 1921 at a Paris Registry Office Ceremony but did not have a Religious ceremony in CATHOLIC FRANCE  -  Older than her husband Clara is a PARIS acquaintance of JIM JONG James the half Chinese half SCOTLAND, whose Switzerland educated CHINESE mother & her sister have a comfortable PARIS apartment – her family visit from Port Arthur and Shanghai :   JIM is her first born 1898 - his first languages are French & Chinese – his father an RN then low-level Diplomat post Port Arthur China is dead =  COMPOSER Maurice Ravel (Bolero & Child & the Magic- etc)  is having trouble with JIMMIE eyeing his car & breaking in & raiding his wardrobe, & says that “ the little man` does not want him to know who his mother is ”  :   British men only married Chinese or Indians if the girl came of a rich family – Ravel knows JIM is a criminal – but protected by the British :

Familiar figures about PARIS are some Lindsay & ANGELA before she is a Duchess, and my future MUM Teresa Gordon Mad Horse other British are familiar around the Paris Bars – The heiress Margaret Sweeting is the richest untitled pretty girl about PARIS & can have the LOUVRE kept open for her late evenings when she brings a party of these SCOTLAND young back from a tour of historic places – SHE TRIES EDUCATE THEM !   Andre Malraux knows Miss Sweeting – she tries help him 1950s London & Paris when he is being attacked by `the old gang` :  I can recall her 1958 & Andre going to speak with her “ she will try help me – why you and I are being attacked now - it depends who is around her ”  I got 4 Abductions 1957 – then we got some old MI5 protection  ... I meet her briefly 1980s – the father of the Whitehead twins, Sir Philip Henry Rathbone Whitehead had valued her kindness :  she had always some good friends – BUT they had lived through LINDSAY-Lindsey persecutions too ...Curiously it is Teresa Gordon (marries my young father 1932) who praised her for her kindness & good heart :  But it was agreed SHE GOT THE WRONG HUSBANDS ...the last ARGYLL tells her soon after the marriage “ and we DO NOT have the LINDSAY to dinner – and ANY business dealings you have with them YOU will come off BADLY !   Her Solicitors begged her NOT to pay the debts of her new husband ARGYLL an Earl of Scotland !!   ARGYLL  had been about that PARIS of the 1920s – that young MALRAUX avoided - as they are nearly all `bar ratty` and boring :  ex-King Zog of Albania avoided them too !


1938  Whitsuntide –In July 1938 Queen ANGELA is coming to PARIS on her 1st STATE VISIT as QUEEN – and her delicate health husband will accompany her ... some mention of this in The DARK VALLEY 1930s Panorama of Piers Brendon : 

NOTA BENE :   ANGELA April 1936 was threatening the women in the families of the ex-Dauphin that she OWNED the Grote Homes and the RANSOM Estate & they would have no money !  she arrogantly mouthed that this was given her by AN OLD ESKIMO:  My aunt Margareth widow MRS THOMAS GROTE legal owner of the HOMES is ALIVE !!  

(the woman Angela former Miss Bloody Liar is horribly rude – I have this jeering & rudeness spouted at me winter 1940/1941 (I age 7-8 years old)  when she came to BULFORD Salisbury Plains to DRINK for 9 hours with the ARMY MESS – Anything `Queenly` was not to be found in her – she & JIM Jong and my mother have 1920s seen the world by luxury liners – my mother in her early teens WINNING as a good horse rider at PRIVATE RACES ... THE THREE MADE LOTS OF MONEY ) : 

READER can find all this in `1937 SUMMER Document in 3 Parts` colour code version


But 1938 PARIS - It should be called BLACK WHITSUNTIDE for ANDRE MALRAUX, RANSOM families-WEDDELL- FROBISHER-POULSEN & other related to us families -  & a very BLACK GENOCIDE is to begin Christmas morning NORWAY for 350 children of the worldwide GROTE HOMES real HOMES for CHILDREN :   Boozing cruel MANIACS,  drug addicts,  are now in control of BRITAIN ...

... the British 1937 Crown of Angela & the Scotland Earls LINDSAY-LINDSEYbuggarhs,  & JIM JONG soon to call himself an Army Major,  had released from a High Security CLINIC Britain the pedophile Mr HARRINGTON born 1912 of a SCOTLAND noble family – found criminally insane age 12, dismissed a Norway school for attacks & theft on the youngest boys in the School – committed age 17, released, sent abroad age 20 years arrived in FRANCE – he who 1936 had a 16 years sentence Austria for attacks on a baby of under a year & doping the child with morphine –

... 1936 after his trial & beginning his 16 years Prison sentence Mr Harrington is transferred to Britain to serve his 16 years sentence or a good part of it – BUT he is released by SCOTS LORDS in 2 years  ... Clara who may have known him earlier years – she takes a holiday with him 1938 Summer – ANDRE legal GUARDIAN from October 1937 to GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE  - & me GR and Lennie LIR until we are 25 years of age, had disappeared – HARRINGTON seeing tall good looking MALRAUX that year for the first time began his notebooks of bitter envious scorn – Harrington violent pedophile had begun these notebooks when he was at his schools =  Harrington is a drug addict,  and another SCOTLAND monster from these NARCOTIC GROWING TRIBES of titled Scotland :  By 1951 he is known in MEDICAL LONDON as `MENGELE` Harrington – friend of ROYALTY :


READER should know :    that these persons are somewhat familiar figures in PARIS 1st World War, 1920s, 1930s ... And a young writer finding his way about his titled world, ANDRE MALRAUX,  keeps away from them – they waste his time – and he knows many are `bar rats` : 

... Andre Malraux born November 1901 does not know sufficient about aristocrats killing for money there is nothing honourable about them – & I am born 1933 on the LINDSAY Crawford hearse “ but keep getting off” says Arthur Malone & Law friends 1960


ANDRE MALRAUX ... He has a 900 years ancestral line East Anglia first family is HISTON alive in 1954 – this is from his mother – he knows it well by the time he is 7 years old from family photos, visits she and her family made up to the turn of the 1900s -  and I & Josette Clotis SUMMER 1937 go exploring with him – he has some records :   This ancestral line comes to 19th century SAXMUNDHAM HALL from the seas edges Histon River, the Thorpes now coastal erosion, thence to KINGS LYNN  ... From the beginning of these Records they have been traders-sea fishers-small farmers as so many near the seas – and this from 9th century AD :   a possibility they too as us REDEMPTIO held some OFFICE under the administration of ROMAN BRITAIN ?   : 

He is made to feel by CLARA his older wife that she is a class above him – but he is NOT disapproved of by international archaeologists – they come to know Clara – their opinion is often `that coming from her superior Class then she should have known better then, to take him TOMB & TEMPLE robbing !  But he did draw attention to the work that should be done in this field of archaeology !




A GENOCIDE of Children of the world :  PLANS to demolish GROTE HOMES are made seriously from 1929 by SCOTLAND EARLS =  BOWES LYON Glamis Castle & the EARLS of LINDSAY Crawford & LINDSEY lead this FRAUD – By late 1930s it is thought to be easy to blame the NAZI for dead GROTE children about the world – conveying this information as though in sorrow – these future GENOCIDERS us a deadly narcotic fire blown inserted in their SNOUTS – Divinorum Salvia Scotland = the big Aristocrat Estates Scotland grow it – guard it – because it is illegal afater 1929 to grow crops of it  :   A SLAUGHTER of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN around the earth outside the BRITISH EMPIRE by SCOTS LORDS  - then they could have themselves disgustingly rich = they drip blood & gore of these children of the world – records show they regarded these OPERATIONS 2nd world War as FUN ...

Some greasy PLAYBOYS related to the line of VIC & BERT (Queen Victoria and Albert Consort)    she a widowed Queen who approved the Grote HOMES with a Queen of Spain and a Queen of Burma – knew the RANSOM families – invited F.R. the father of Margareth, John & Poul, to sail in & call mornings if she was in residence – they could talk together in the GERMAN tongue – she missed her husband ALBERT very much :

She had an interest in other parts of the globe :   We sent her dried flowers from Jacopsholmen Island `Summer Town` West Greenland - & because she is much interested in the early A.D. history of GREENLAND a very ancient fishing hook was silvered & mounted for her as a brooch :  See her letter `with remorse` after Gertrud Poulsen Mrs Fred Ransom had been insulted in a London newspaper for having one grandpa Great POUL GRONLANDER who married Margaret Yates of a Carlisle shipping family – RACISM was heavy in SCOTLAND :  (histories in depth on my webs – the records made by the dead )  

AUSTRALIA 19th century has dared have a GROTE HOME at Adelaide – From the funding from GROTE BROKERS and our ARGENTINE old solicitors :  It is this funding that ANGELA Bowes Lyon using JIMMIE Jong/Major-this-that ROB  every year – until 1956 it proved too difficult & dangerous for the children to continue in this civilized education :   Letters & information my Uncle Alfred Richard Gordon & a millionaire friend & friends - they risking their lives to draw attention to these RAVAGING Scots tribes from 1920s ...)




PIERRE LAVAL French politician 1920s-30s & becomes PRIME MINISTER - & the ex-DAUPHIN & family of FRANCE  April 1936 ...  


 `ANGELA is,  it is feared,  getting a British Crown ` ...

 I and my family RANSOM-Frobisher-Weddell-Poulsen-San JULIAN are visiting the `ex-Dauphin & families April 1936 – we have been CALLED IN by he himself – EMERGENCY  :    I am listening – I have toured 7 months POLES NORD & SUD and all Nations in between, & am looking forward again to having an early Supper with our family friend WALTER BENJAMIN because we both like TECHNOLOGY he says November 1935 Paris a rainy night – Abyssinia troubles !   NOW we hear how well known 1920s PARIS a heavy drinker drug-addict Angela a Royal British Duchess ( she a former Bowes Lyon, Glamis Castle) is threatening the Income of his women of the family :

My family who are present are grandfather FREDERICK CHARLES FROBISHER RANSOM  ( his mother is Millie nee Frobisher with kin-kith The SOULS – cousins Elcho & others, Tenant, Violet ARTIST, lots of names I remember or do not  – I meet them all 1930s ) & my grandmother ballerina JEAN San JULIAN Weddell, his 2 sons, `young Fred` my father and younger brother `my best friend & co-heir` Len Immanuel RANSOM ... another family member with us may be a French scholar `aunt Catherine a Weddell cousin` ... THREATS from ANGELA against the THOMAS GROTE HOMES for CHILDREN worldwide is taken seriously – we all know that SHE & the LINDSAY-LINDSEY are threatening to all the children of the world and to us ...

ANGELA has stormed about in her usual manner, we hear, saying they are getting her money – but it is known her Father-in-Law the popular Sailor King George V was telling her this last Christmas and the Christmas before THAT SHE DOES NOT OWN THE GROTE HOMES or ANY PART OF THE RANSOM ESTATE – all worldwide – Ah but the Sailor King had to be given euthanasia this past January ... he is friend since young of the Souls, when he has time, & has known my grandpa since he a 21 years old orphan – heard the grief caused by the LINDSAYbuggarhs ...:

1935 December :   He  (King George V a Sailor)  is talking to a kindly friend December 1935   “ ... ... ... ... ... Yes I hear Angela shouting outside the door – but now she is coming through the door shouting at me ... I am assured the HOMES are doing what TIGGY said they would do !    I only know that these nations would NOT talk to me before – now they are willing ... I am going to take a Sail ... No !   Not to the Pacific ~ I am going down to Portsmouth to see good friends ... ... ... ...   ”

1930s - Most intelligent persons Europe know that Margaret Grote (rudely called in public the OLD ESKIMO by the Bowes Lyons &  the LINDSAYbuggarhs)  did NOT give GROTE HOMES the ESTATE to ANGELA – her Royal in-laws know  “she was not what we wanted”  - they have to send her OFF SHORE as `travelling Peace Ambassadress` to stop her madness - & warn the PRESS – She is rather typical of `the Roaring 20s` & tosses insults at intelligent people = Cole Porter was addressed by her as `Oh Mr the COALMAN` ... people groan when she appears – gatecrashes in !  :  

Unfortunately this older chum of my mother Teresa E. Gordon now Mrs Ransom since 1932 is jeering ignorantly at the highly educated, 12 languages fluent, & at least 50 more she speaks to converse with her GROTE HOMES children MY GREAT AUNT  Margaret Grote `GIRL of the SNOWS` :


( 1940-41 winter SALISBURY PLAINS  :   I am faced with ANGELA at BULFORD BARRACKS School winter 1940-41 ... she came to drink 9 hours with the ARMY MESS & she did  !   This is recorded in the initial assembly of this vast work – I, they not dead, call it `1937 SUMMER – Andre Malraux etc. document in 3 parts – it is in an easy to follow colour-code on web site 2011 AD  ...)  

1935/6 -  CHRISTMAS or early SPRING :   The DAUPHIN of FRANCE has been ordered by ANGELA  former `Miss Bloody Liar`  to go and LIVE in that massive pile called VERSAILLES – to RECEIVE HER !   He says  `HE WILL NOT` - perhaps there was a flaming row  ?    A very worried Dauphin says he prefers this his nice HOME with tennis courts outside his study !!!   He says wearily  `Well – if SHE, THEY, can pull it off – I will I suppose have to go and meet her ! 

To me,  a much travelled RANSOM-Frobisher-Weddell child, it is horrible criminal behaviour by Scotland monsters :    I have had to make some University off the cuff speeches in South America as I do not read and write yet !  All this WORLD of the WEST with its big glittery idiots,  heavy drinkers, smokers, & bad things, seems stupid and a waste of the hours of the days ... I, we, have SO MUCH TO DO !

I have in PERU, after talking to a University,  just taken a very solemn responsible Ceremony in front of my INCA people – I am the INCA  `Daughter of the Moon and Sister of the Sun`  an Office descending thousands of years – I am in training to take care of the families, the homes, the kitchens, and see the streets are always clean ... I look forward to returning when I am 5 years old :  My father is my pedagogue - and my family in Southern Ireland have 3 titles from 1859 & all go quietly towards peace ... and also go in the VATICAN to talk to `young Pacelli` a family friend : 

I DO NOT KNOW UNTIL June 1936 this year that the MOTHER of ANGELA, a Scotland Witch, has ordered ME kidnapped to GROSS BRITAIN = a Female from The WHITEHALL & all the evil British Ambassadors & some very nasty brutal things they use for crime have been helping – for MONEY for LUXURIES  !!   I am kidnapped June,  back to more VIOLENCE from these festering SCOTLAND Bog Trotters, these diseases, who should be dropped in evening clothes on SOUTH GEORGIA =  in Scotland when its cold they eat one another  !! by dates, in 3 Parts document `1937 SUMMER Andre Malraux, Josette Clotis, Greta Ransom CLACTON-on-Sea and WEST GREENLAND ...`  


ANGELA (formerly a Miss Bowes Lyon of Scotland – then Duchess by marrying 1923 a delicate health son of the British Sailor King)   has NO legal WILL to the RANSOM GROTE ESTATE :   she is of a Scotland tribe and joined as a child in this FRAUD & a planned coming GENOCIDE of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN by the EARL(s) of LINDSAY-LINDSEY who insist they are the BRITISH Premier Earls & more important than all the British Parliament :   

My very distant BOG TROTTING JURASSIC kith & kin the insane LINDSAYbuggarhs have some education and thus they can with their LINDSEY mobsters steal paintings, books, kill people for Scotland lands ...

FRENCH Politicians & Public Figures are always terrified of GROSS BRITAIN – and its NAVY :    France has not much of an Air Force but from the GREAT WAR 1st World War BRITAIN has got some good young FLYERS-bombers !  

I know all this world – I have been flying since my birth – Len is qualified 1935 & I dressed as a boy accompany him – by the time I am 4 I am called `Sweppes` by other Flyers – when they say `have a beer kid` I am good at saying with a growl `Sweppes` :  FLYERS are so very careful in those days, 1930s – everything checked – no fast HOLLYWOOD stuff ! 

I have travelled as Heir-in-Training nearly a year officially with my families in the name of my Aunt MARGARETH nee Ransom the Girl of the SNOWS = the LINDSAYbuggarhs killed her 2 brothers, her sister-in-law Millie Frobisher – then her husband TIGGY GROTE founder of the HOMES 1864 on ARRAN ... TIG had fled from them 1883 after they became violent to him  ... soon after the 1883 Wedding of a grand-daughter Millicent Frobisher to John Ransom the elder brother of his wife Margaret nee Ransom Grote



He will not have been unaware of the British `fast set` those aristocrat scavengers1920s-early 30s PARIS about the night-spots and Racing Courses :   1934 onwards British newspapers smear Edward Windsor heir to the British Throne Oh it is helping ANGELA & those who want to close the GROTE HOMES – turn the children out – claim the SEASHORES of the WORLD

1930s -  It is known amongst British & Continental politicians, persons of rank, that the heir has no intention of destroying the GROTE HOMES BUT his sister-in-law jeering ANGELA married to his delicate health brother is heard jeering that SHE has been given the GROTE HOMES by an Old Eskimo  :  Margaret Grote has known many French politicians & Men of Intellect, she is still alive until killed 1938 May – she is admired, as her husband had been, & her investments in France, her small Estates & pieces of landscape have helped the French economy and people, families, from the middle of the 19th century  

The LINDSAY-LINDSEY EARLS have given FRANCE some misery since the late 18th century & continue 19th and 20th centuries :  It is known that the elder brother of Margaret Grote, John Ransom young widower, made a marriage to a grand-daughter of the Earl of LINDSAY Crawford & misery has ever since descended upon the RANSOM GROTE families (from 1883)  :   It is understood by FRENCH public figures that the Aristocrats of Gross Britain must never be offended & G.B. has a big NAVY sailing the 7 Seas  ! 

1938 JULY :  French President DALADIER, friends & an American Ambassador have exchanged confidences =

on the awful matter of ANGELA Bowes Lyon  `who can drink a bar out overnight`  being raised to the HELM of the BRITISH EMPIRE ... it is known she threatens the GROTE HOMES & that she has NO LEGAL WILL ... & that by winter 1937-1938 a LEGAL WILL is accepted around the globe !  How many of them know that the admired young writer Andre MALRAUX is written in the Legal Will of MARGARET nee Ransom GROTE as the GUARDIAN to a young heir & her Uncle a young FLYER, musician born in the Argentine ?????

1938 a letter from a sister of HERMAN GOERING  (joined with Hitler Government 1933)  says  “ WILL accepted in Germany – no change need be made in the Curriculum – it is recognized the good the students do ... ” GROTE HOMES established 1864 & parts of Ransom Estate had been established 17th century :   she continues -  quotes her brother below :

  ( LEN & I are talking with him PARIS November 1935 – he did say “ get down to the Argentine or North America – keep out of our business Lennie, I want to hear about your FLYING TEST that is all ... I will talk to your father later – are you coming with him ? ... No ... ” ) ...   

... H.G.    “ With LENNIE flying the Chariot, the Child whose eyes show her Guardian Angel has FLED in fear, young MALRAUX behind them with his hands on their shoulders...  THEY MAY SURVIVE – otherwise we shall see them all in VALHALLA ” ...... ... ”    

NOTA BENE :  The acquaintance with the Goering family dates back to mid-19th century – so bar rat scribblers, biographers, need not chase their tails screeching that  `they must all have been helping HITLER ...          


BUT - A FACT IS,  April 1936 we RANSOM family are asked to visit the ex-Dauphin of FRANCE & his numerous family ... and we are listening to his alarming news :   he is in his study, wearing his tennis shoes :   ANGELA ( become a Royal Duchess 1923) has been threatening the incomes of his family members – some are linked to RANSOM Estate worldwide & the GROTE HOMES for orphan children ...  

The ex-Dauphin may know GROTE scholars who are now in French Administration, medicine, teaching, agriculture, music  the arts : 

1961 ANDRE MALRAUX recognized some names in French Administration when late Summer,  after the `accident just waiting to happen` to his 2 sons 21 & 18 years of age, he found time to read a diary brought to Colne ENGAINE by the author, an account, of a Normandy Home kept by a man who had grown up alongside this GROTE Home & had friends :   He went to talk with him – they had first met 1945  :  This man now of Seas Edges East Anglia did not enter FRANCE anymore – he had his mother`s Grave looked after for him from 1946 :   The teeth of children could sometimes be found emerging from the lands where this GROTE Home had been – it was a carnage carried out by BRITISH LORDS with help from the RN at sea :  the land now had a hotel owned by British business :   this Frenchman is a Lawyer, a Man of Letters, a smallholder – he will never return to France – he will go to live in another nation far away  ...

1870s onwards :   FRANCE had 5 very good THOMAS GROTE HOMES-REAL HOMES for CHILDREN educating them to 18 & into their 20s :   1943/44 a young friend of Andre Malraux`s mother Bertha heard of slaying – on the Atlantic coast of France – she & her husband & friends saved the children of a GROTE HOME France-Spain 1944 ... 1948 Information given to Dr John RAY R. USA citizen, & others Washington State Office     


 It is to swiftly continue on this file :  




1986 – 1988 ASIA to Central-South America  - NIGHT  TRAWLS ...



continuing from `NIGHTWATCH` at Colne ENGAINE 1960 near COLCHESTER ...


1.  ANDRE MALRAUX – General Charles de GAULLE – RANSOM families all branches –

2.   G.B.  Premier EARLS of LINDSAY & LINDSEY –a half Scots-Chinese pimp Jimmie Jong James

3.   a SCOTLAND maniac Hong Kong G.P. only, a Doctor `Mengele-Moriaty` HARRINGTON sign on its car sometimes `Member of Royal Household`

4.   Viking PLAYBOYS – disgracing `VIC & BERT =`Queen Victoria & Albert Consort – GREAT EXHIBITION – CHRYSTAL PALACE Exhibition mid-19th century :  


The LIGHT of the UNIVERSE & beyond...

The THOMAS GROTE HOMES established 1864 twice around the globe A-Z outside the BRITISH EMPIRE :  real HOMES for orphans & unwanted children educating them to 18-20 years in all religions, several languages, medicine, sciences, agriculture, education, music & arts :  TIGGY got the Curriculum needed as he rushed across the PACIFIC OCEAN calling at the MISSIONARY SCHOOLS & ORPHANAGES & finding persons helping the poverty ..


2nd World War :   A GENOCIDE carried on by BRITISH GOVERNMENT & world education disapproving SCOTLAND EARLS = & made possible with a new CROWN 1937 – Genocide continuing into 1990s ... & on ...


RECORDS :   1988 USA State Department Agents & connected Workers tell me Greta Ransom W.  (come from CHINA- London BMNHwork Fishery Universities-Colleges Tour 8 weeks)  in Central America  “ The name of THOMAS GROTE – never spoken – people die – the British slew one of the last schools Mexico 1956 – a teacher who saved some of the older children & took them into his bungalow to continue teaching them was found & killed – his wife & 7 years old son were got to North America ... Do you know a man called Dr JOHN RAY ? ... He was able to help save some lives ... Mexico managed to save some of the very young children – slip them in amongst their own families ... ...  ”  


FOUNDATION :   Created by TIGGY GROTE USA citizen = Father & uncle 1831 establish GROTE BROKERS New York off Wall Street at first ;  they cousins to the GERMAN –English family of London Bankers & GROTE Philanthropists – 1863 TIGGY  (Ward of RANSOM family from age 11 years)  marries Miss Margareth Ransom in the Family Chapel Jacopsholmen Island, West GREENLAND – he slain by Scots Lords 1904, she not until 15 May 1938  :


Margaret nee Ransom Mrs Thomas Immanuel GROTE :   Her HEIRS are me b 1933 Greta Frobisher Weddell Maureen RANSOM & my co-sub HEIR b. 1921 is LEN Immanuel RANSOM youngest child of my grandparents Frederick Charles Frobisher Ransom & his ballerina wife Jean Minerva San Julian nee Weddellmy father their eldest son `young Fred` John Ransom born November 1911 :   Frederick Charles is the only surviving child of JOHN RANSOM brother of our Aunt Margaret = addressed by Lennie young musician & FLYER,  as `Aunt Mag` & referred to as `TIG & MAG` -  I address her as `my girl of the Snows` :


1935 October - we to GREENLAND for our NATIONAL DAY :

( the Records of the Families)

With my big RANSOM family we leave in lawful manner Gross Britain by  3 airplanes October 1935 – the last three years violence has become savage attacks by Premier Earls of LINDSAY-LINDSEYbuggarhs on me not yet 3 years Summer 1935, and  the violence, break-ins & theft, destruction & robbery of our historic records, our possessions and tricks to cause accidents on cars has become too much for my young Father age to be 25 years old in November :   Also maniac tricky dangerous physical attacks on his parents & horrible break-ins on the little home `JERUSALEM`  Park Road, DEPTFORD  - it was here in 1897 two LINDSAY Cousins delivered the DEAD BODY of Millie Frobisher Ransom to her only allowed to survive child Frederick Charles age 14 – my grandpa !   The Earls of LINDSAY-LINDSEY  & their scum family aristocrats are recognized to be INSANE from pellets of their crops of Divinorum Salvia Scotlandup their SNOUTS – it hits their brains in 2 seconds :


 SUMMARY :    LINDSAY-LINDSEYbuggarhs all of  the 20th century  I want to have you chased across HELL – you are behaving with violence to many other heirs you could drag on to your Hearse & mutilate !   Millie & Violet were sane amongst you,  so you poisoned them, 1897 & 1937 !  ... I want you ALL on chains & putting back every bit of this my worldwide family ESTATE you have pimped upon  – you can wear post office MAIL BAGS – sleep in a big cage ... YOU FOOLS LINDSAY-LINDSEYbuggarhs – YOU STUPID FOOLS – you VERMIN -  to destroy the LIGHT of the UNIVERSE our RANSOM ESTATE and GROTE HOMES ...  because YOU did not agree with civilized education for the nations of the globe ... GFWR ...


1930s – A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT that ought to have been made 1933 by the human beings of the GLOBE :   IT WOULD HAVE SAVED THE LIVES of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN of the GLOBE ! 

    `Lords-Earls-Curs of LINDSAYbuggarhs & their chums are mouthing that they will get paws on Ransom Family creation that near 2,000 centuries of RANSOM worldwide ESTATE and THOMAS GROTE HOMES & divide it up between themselves ... ( they will then be SUPER MANIACS ruling the globe) : 




A BRITISH SAILOR KING  - who could have chatted on education to King ALFRED Founder of the Royal NAVY :    


1904 onwards :   LINDSAY-LINDSEY Earls :    Their rival is ANGELA Bowes Lyon & her MUM – she surprised that her  “ fat Duck could PULL THIS MARRIAGE OFF 1923 ”  So Mum bought herself an ermine dressing gown sending Bill to Whitehall & her daughter becomes a Royal Duchess  :    It is known amongst educated English all Classes that there is little joyous approval even from the family of her delicate health husband – engaged in January 1923 to be married that Spring  !    ANGELA well known in fashionable PARIS BARS with her dope-taking titled chums, has with jeers & chortles said behind the back of a crème-de-la-crème intellectually modest woman MARGARETH nee Ransom GROTE, that `the old Eskimo has given me ALL` :  

Mrs Grote is hard at work worldwide continuing her murdered husband`s GROTE HOMES – that   gold circle miracle, a delicate flower garden,  encircling the Globe :   All of these titled criminally insane are Hell bent on laying hands on world seashores & having a SHARE-OUT :   Miss Margaret Ransom from a mid-19th century teenager West Greenland & sailing the world has been taught by her father `old Fred Ransom of Montrose Basin` to “TRADE”  with safety for peoples lives & well being throughout the seasons of the years placed first :   The SCOTLAND drug-growing titled, living in their big Places have always lived by robbery of other rich :   Drug growing Fortresses called Scots SCHLOSS` when HITLER enters January 1933 as `top dog` ...


1934 CHRISTMAS into New Year 1935 :   this daughter-in-law of the Sailor King George V is raising her voice, shouting hysterically outside and inside his door,  that `an old Eskimo` gave her all the ELDORADO Estate ... “  He the SAILOR KING has received from `Miss Margaret`  a handwritten letter, and other letters from world Administrators and Advisors of Margaret Grote & her revered abroad titled friends `THAT NO PART OF THE ESTATE is GIVEN to his daughter-in-law or her families, or to The Earls of LINDSAY-LINDSEY ... To the Bowes Lyon family are 8 presents : Mrs Margaret Grote, when resident on Arran Island,  has always given the young people presents, and paid many school fees for the children of the Earl of Lindsay Crawford ... ”

The Prince, the future Sailor King,  when young had known TIGGY founder of worldwide GROTE HOMES & knew well that his grandmother Victoria Queen agreed with them – But not his mother Alexandra who had massive gambling debts & luxury expenses – she used to tell his Father King Edward VII to “close the HOMES worldwide & give HER the money – she always had debts  !  ”   :

George V knows the families of Margaret Grote – her cousin Alfred Charles RANSOM a Rear Admiral 1st World War –the King knows the Tudor FROBISHER descendants and has acquaintance with the JAMES WEDDELL Quaker-INCA Catholic  marriage families settled in The Argentine =  Young people out in the world meet, judge, decide they have sympathies in common, or things to exchange or learn from one another :


SAILOR KING has examined for some years the mutterings that his noisy hard drinking daughter-in-law ANGELA is RICH :   he knows that NO LEGAL WILL IS HELD BY THESE SUB-APES from Scotland`s Silurian swamps & Jurassic Bogs ... ALL of them are drug-addicts and drinkers who can drain Loch Ness in a week`s Tribal Knees-up night after night were it filled with WHISKEY ...

And as a Sailor himself he is well aware that these famous SEA ANCESTORS families could not be so DAFT or BATTY as to leave the GROTE HOMES to disapproving SCOTLAND EARLS - who you`d not want to meet alone on a dark night anywhere at all !  



1864 – the CREATING of the GROTE real HOMES for orphans & unwanted CHILDREN of the entire world  :

Leaving RANSOM & GROTE Elders shoeless at first Tiggy established his first HOME in IOWA then raced across America & into the PACIFIC Ocean -  TIGGY observed the Missionary Orphanages across the PACIFIC Ocean on the Islands & sea shores of conquered lands – He saw this education produced obedient labouring classes

TIGGY GROTE realized these Nations A – Z needed educating in all the world had to give – then they were not at the mercy of a decadent WEST but also not at the mercy of ALL the other EMPIRES =

If his real HOMES had highly educated gentle children, all religions, all subjects that are civilizing,  the children raised without RACISM would then help their own Nations to civilized independence & be helping the entire globe to civilized independence  –  Everyone needed to be aware of PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE ...


(nota bene :  2nd World War well known British Aristocrats directed the slaying of the GROTE HOMES children all along the Mediterranean coasts (as well as twice around the globe) :


READERS  - may like to consider to-day that these really educated several language speaking Children in their thousands emergingyearly from these civilized REAL HOMES mid-20th century would have been able to stabilize violent troubles from 1940s down to the present century 2015 and beyond  ... Greetha Ransom  for RANSOM-Grote-Gronlander-Frobisher & WEDDELL families  worldwide :    


1864 onwards, THUS with help A-Z nations of the globe outside the British Empire ...  TIGGY built on the RANSOM Estate seashore lands ... come to us world SEA TRADERS as `dowry` our foreign brides of 2,000 years AD = see RANSOM Ancestry 4/5 completing Books - these family www. webs ... & sometimes Twittermessages




NIGHT TRAWL  (probably 1948 or 1949 ?) 

“ ... little Community in AMERICA - given Genocide next time

FUN HOLIDAYS for SCOTS-Viking ARISTOCRATS :   BLOOD LETTING - by these drug-growing  `Scots Lords` & Scandinavian Playboys & their expense account Moonlight Pimps – who called Margareth `an Old Eskimo`& THEY would take care in secret silence of ELDORADO :  Heard in WHITES CLUB to be preparing for t he 3rd World WAR = Orders are `all RANSOM-WEDDELL-FROBISHER-Poulsen=GRONLANDER & INCA descendants of Yah. Josef SAN JULIAN f. San Miguel to be slain (Portugal-Argentine-Peru-Americas) in a re-awakening of 16th century  THE WARS with the INCAS ...`

20th century Gross Britain Aristocrats self-appointed Imperial representatives of a little sea-girt Island  :  they gone batty – crazy – obscene -  grabbing at moneys, lands, killing for money “ & toughening up for the next WAR Gentlemen ”    ...  

“ ... Your father (born Nov. 1911)  & his families always in touch with them ... it was 200 miles away ...  (from where ? NEW YORK ?) ... ”

“  Your father wanted a rest from the CARNAGE done by the  (1937) BRITISH THRONE & EARLS of SCOTLAND ... but there was nobody there ... he searched ... nobody to be found ... he had to leave and go on to attend to his Family Estate on duck-boards ... IT BECOMES QUEER ... he sent others to see what they could find :   He asked his brother Dr JOHN RAY R. & diplomatic friends to help ... John & friends found they this little Community had appeared ... taken up their quiet lives of land and craft work :   Questioned they all said  `they had been in a giant cave ... it was grey and filled with suffocating cloud ... they could not speak ... could not move ...` ... 

“ It was quite clear they were not having a BIBLICAL  experience ... they had been taken to somewhere and DRUGGED... Now this is the experience others have spoken of in SCOTLAND ... the usual MANIACS were suspected ... dirty JIM vermin, LINDSAYS & their madmen ... able to use narcotics – rob widows, give child heirs accidents, search communities, remove valuables, kill :


Reports :   It is when JIM (Sir James) the Steward of WHITES CLUB 1950s is heard sniggering he has a list for BIG and LITTLE GAME HUNTING ... requesting Gentlemen should put their names down for which – helping the Government & Crown, that this bestiality begins to unfold ...

Remember BELA BARTOK  – he got lost when everyone had to go to WAR – THEY robbed him in New York – he fled to a little bungalow to recover and study Native music ... he had interference at night after dark :   Benny Goodman says 1957 they had learned he had been robbed ... ANDRE that visit did not follow this – he had never been allowed to see the 1938 LEGAL WILL of Margaret Grote, addressed to him,  showing his full Guardianship of you ... persons about them that visit did know the true Guardianship is kept from MALRAUX = expenses could be collected via The Whitehall Centre of British Government  :   Now, these aristocrats are MANIACS not Gentlemen – they corrupt others to help them  :

The sadness is that now there really is no trace of this little contented Community – a haven of rest for the distressed the sad of heart USA  ... they will have been wiped out ... killed for the British CROWN and SCOTLAND Earls - We all felt sick hearing this, Arthur Malone too ” :


1960 May – ARGENTINA Buenos Aries  -

 “ PHIL, a shock to us all,   (Philip Silverlea- Radley School-musician-writer-Insurance in City between Argentine-Britain-Continent)  had his daughter murdered by them May 1960 in Buenos Aries ... she had fetched all the documents, WILLS, from the old firm of Solicitors, Administrators who since the first half of the 19th century had down the decades taken such happiness in and care of  “ A DELICATE FLOWER GARDEN encircling the GLOBE ... ”   The early decades, 1830s, included management of properties of SAN JULIAN & his Tierra del Fuego mother - left to children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and down to March 1960 ...

1935 December – RIO de JANEIRO :   The carnage of WEDDELL families had been underway since the 1940s ... a man who saved the lives of Len & you came to recognize this ... can you remember that visit to Uncle Heberdie December (1935) RIO de JANEIRO ... the Lindsay Earl & thugs were following you – Jimmie Jong telegraphed where you had reached each stage of the Tour of relatives & GROTE Homes ... The Earl had given instructions to capture you and Len – you would most certainly have been brutalized and killed ... but we hear the EARL was enjoying himself & putting up at the best Hotels – summoning the British Embassy Staff in every nation of South America – he was enjoying a free holiday ... but intending to get you and LEN out of his way once and for all ... ”  ?  ( `1937 SUMMER etc`      


1960 March Buenos Aries :   (Urgent Report to Colne Engaine within 4 days – Again WHY did not MALRAUX & General de GAULLE put a stop to this thuggery !  What had happened was that WITHOUT ANY WARNING a March morning Buenos Aries a RAID by Army uniformed BRITISH ! :   2 old Argentine learned men roughly handled 1960 - told ALL THIS PROPERTY BELONGED TO THE BRITISH CROWN !   Offices emptied – boxes full taken swiftly away !   Names and addresses of the employees taken !  BRITISH EMBASSY  refused to look into the matter or visit ~ Violence again – it could have been halted if ANDRE MALRAUX had spoken out – but again he had NOT received his legal WILL of Margaret Grote !  And we were all being deceived yet again ... ”


Nota bene :    1960 March Colne ENGAINE,  I hear from Detective Arthur Malone there has been a RAID on this Buenos Aries old family Office – Philip Silverlea visited us immediately from London with this news - he had a telephone message Argentine to London early this morning !  This news brought cold fear to us all ! 

By the next day Philip learned swiftly (from whom ?)  that I was there with Lennie and my family 1936 – the Argentine late 18th century established little firm are friends of our WEDDELL families too – perhaps handled all their financial matters pondered Malone & LAW friends :   :  Philip decided to stay here at the ghost-house for 4 days – give Arthur Malone a rest as he had been `on this case` since employed by ANDRE MALRAUX October 1957 for No 50 Lancaster Gate Square London :   Greta Ransom - at Colne Engaine

 NNB: ... ghost-house is the cottage across from the caravan in the tiny triangle meadow – see drawing 1967 & photos 1961 – Mengele Harrington, his blonde nurse Missus & the woman JAMES whom JIMMIE is known to have made insane in Kenya 1944 have KEYS to the Cottage & to my new Caravan !  Malone has had a notebook with addresses of people who knew Margaret Grote stolen end of February 1960 ... He caught Nurse Mrs `Mengele` Harrington & the “ the Woman James”  behind my caravan just closing the door – they said I had left it open :   She is one of the many wives of JIMMIE Jong – he now Sir Jimmie James of WHITES Club has to keep one wife for Buckingham Palace duties :   Malone realised who had stolen his notebook that morning !   He had to give swift warnings to those whose addresses were in it  – some will have been given accidents or been killed – THIS MATTER IS NOW KNOWN TO BE A GIGANTIC worldwide GENOCIDE – Greta Ransom – at Colne Engaine   


“  Of course it was NOT known London & Colne ENGAINE that messages received from General de Gaulle & Malraux were false !  These faithful old men & their Office so essential to the running of the World wide GROTE Estate had not been known to the so-called British Government & its CROWNS ! 

The older partner died in a week – the second isolated out to his country residence – then dead :  Phil heard when he returned swiftly how the British Ambassador called in could do nothing `it was a Royal matter` = Phil now had to keep these British thugs out of the apartment of his son-in-law & his parents !  He had to arrange security for the two small children of his daughter !  Britain, we learned, is powerful in the Argentine !  ...”


( SPAIN during 1936-1939 – SAN SEBASTIAN )

 “  IT IS SICKENING ... We could now understand the SAN SEBASTIAN  tragedy to the AQUIDA families of the wife of old San JULIAN – 1936 you visited them with your families – they came to London to the funeral of JEAN 1938 – then all sordidly wiped out 1939 :  We will gather some information here from the late 1950s when JIM JONG Sir James is the Steward of WHITES CLUB !   HEMINGWAY in PARIS had tried give MALRAUX information immediately after the War ended !  But nobody could get their postal communications !  assembling the information of the victims !  sometimes on www.greetahransom.wordpress... some Twitterrequired by researchers :

It is time that GREAT BRITAIN should have the `Great` swiftly removed by the rest of the world ... I cannot understand a Nation that has made itself rich at its summit and is allowed to continue to do so from a GENOCIDE of this magnitude ...”    



 ( NB:  RECORDS :   may be a Shaker or `Armish-Armice` farming community perhaps they we visited 1936 - where we had nice treacle tart for tea and nice tea with a big dash of milk for me age 3 years: 


The Shakers connected to family and childhood MINERVA Olivea  - lived next door to them :   `Minerva` Olivea grandmother  of my Father FJR  (she nee Hesketh (parents Bavaria) 1st m Bussy a Trader who wrote one book on Philosophy known last quarter 19th century ... 2nd marriage of Minerva-Olivea to elder son James Weddell b 1825 of Quaker Roman Catholic marriage JAMES WEDDELL Quaker Mariner and ROMAN CATHOLIC highly educated `THE AELOVEDAH-Maria  Miss San JULIAN` the only child of INCA-Portugal citizen YAHamh JOSEF San JULIAN f. San Miguel Acting Governor for Spain, he a well known Roman Catholic scholar, Ice Ships & Trader married Senorita A`Quida of San Sebastian c1806 – My families and I know their descendants our cousins & families in the 1930s & we visit our A`Quida-San JULIAN relatives spring 1936 San Sebastian –






October 2015 AD =




ACCURATE PIECES OF SCOTLAND HISTORIES 1879 to the 1980s have been BANNED from the Internet :


...  requesting your notice and suggestions of any HELP – & any you can give if you feel SAFE to do so please  ... GO CAREFULLY :


ON MY WORK  is posted an ORDER from 3 big owners of the `WWW Internet Distribution` on my pieces of accurate HISTORY www :




These RECORDS = an assembly of facts` in MEMORIUM `  the MARTYRS made by the obscene theft from GROTE HOMES RANSOM ESTATE – ESTATE in 3 Parts legal Will 1937/1938 copies issued worldwide – Many of them left all these records etc in my care to be begun by 1996  :   A rise of `bar rat` gossip perhaps has arisen again against the legal GUARDIAN to this MIRACLE of WELFARE  around the globe  =   his name in the Legal USA Will 1937/38 CHRISTMASTIDE –His name ? = A young man with a soul called Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX – who has written some books 1920s & 1930s :   

READERScan learn quickly about him from a biography the USA citizen CURTIS CATE published 1995 the book `ANDRE MALRAUX`


1938 ANDRE MALRAUX Guardian to worldwide ESTATE  (outside the British Empire) THOMAS GROTE HOMES & RANSOM ESTATE in 3 PARTS:     

1938/1937 - He, Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX a French passport holder, is immediately disapproved of by SCOTLAND Aristocrats with empty back pockets – they had the power to intercept & open his letters and packages coming from Gross Britain & America & other nations of the Globe :    two Clans of SCOTLAND – Aristocrat Earls & Lords, employ by MOONLIGHT a half SCOT b. 1898 his Father minor RN & Diplomat,  his Chinese mother & grandparents of excellent standing & humanism had to evict him 1920s for crimes against his Chinese families – he to become known from the 1920s to many Nations as  “ Mr JIM ”,  his first childhood languages are French-Chinese and have  him a familiar figure PARIS 1920s-1930s with other usually coin-less  British & European aristocrats   :


I hope the following Book of LIR IVpasses the CENSORSHIP LAWS – the last pieces of work are not accepted by Google & 2 others :   A Reader found a note on the PIERRE LAVAL web site saying BANNED   


 1998 my only son born 1970 has died in this FRAUDULENT removing of records to get hold of money – Attempts made on his young life  & body, as I encountered, as legal heir to the Family creation of GROTE HOMES & that `delicate flower garden` around the world made by RANSOM families

... who are first registered in BRITAIN 92 AD & known for 4 centuries as `REDEMPTIO` under ROMAN BRITAIN ... when we buy a piece of land at DUNWICH, SUFFOLK – now coastal erosion – Our families down the centuries are still along the Seas Edges of EAST ANGLIA ... Such genealogies are not unusual before 19th century Britain-Europe found itself short of `dough` :   


A note representing 3 sites says `controversial material`  

But we peaceful human beings who tell the truth from the beginning of WWW have felt that truth could be expressed ... ?  :  

I will heed our modern masters of course -  I hope to find out how I & the GROTE RANSOM, Frobisher-Weddell, GRONLANDER mountain of MARTYRS have deserved this Censorship ... ?   


A comment I hear  is   “  Is it a Masked attack on your INTEGRITY  ? ”


I reply I do not tell lies,  truth telling is a habit of common sense learned from the civilized persons of the globe  (

we RANSOM families are born of 14 Races 27 Nations)

they all around me from my arrival on earth ...


I wish, of course,  to say to the world that this Work is to bring Researchers-Readers through HELL & into HOPE ...


NB :   I have carried from my birth the MARTYRS made by SCOTS LORDS & similar 19th-20th centuries  `mind sets`=  who are THEY who believe MONEY is by their birth due to them – Racism upheld by them – and these last centuries casually tossed about by the other Empires :

1952 -  I will quote CHINESE who `had a long walk` “ the West has managed to ruin the first half of this century Lennie – they let that CLOWN Hitler in – now they send US philosophy ... ... ...”

?  Therefore is WWW in danger of losing its distribution of TRUTH  :


I HAVE HAD my only son die in this MANIAC CRIME of the 19th-20th centuries :   he recognized as such a force of goodness `young Pete – PETER RATHBONE RANSOM GORDON WHITEHEAD -  threatened from 2 month before his birth 1970 & childhood years afterwards = Many of you knew `young Pete`and valued him alive – His budding career Photography-philosophy of childhood-Welfare investigation :    From 1879my high-born distant relatives Scotland hung about my families into the `1980s forbidding progress in education for we & me they call `Apes Eskimos` :  Hopefully all are dead now – but the ethos of their early learning travels on :


RECORDS etc 1960  :

 “ It is after a marriage in 1883 our gold circle around the earth is in danger -  We want you to understand that Aristocrats  of what is A FOREIGN  Nation, SCOTLAND ,decided to destroy the TIGGY HOMES – they had been watching them from 1879 when a grand-daughter MILLIE FROBISHER of self-styled Premier Earls G.B.  was one of a group of young British people who went with TIGGY to see the HOMES,  where children were being educated outside of the attitude of WARFARE, in all the world of that time had to offer in Science-Medicine-Care of the Planet-the Seas, the FAMILY LIFE ... ”

“... with Thomas Immanuel  GROTE (Tiggy)   they went across Mesopotamia, Russia, China, & JAPAN to see unwanted Children of ALL RACES now placed in real HOMES- these British young were impressed these children learned to respect ALL RELIGIONS and this stunning CURRICULUM was happily adopted by many nations with additional funding from the well-to-doo ...  Tiggy, by the way is a descendant on his mother`s line of the Philosopher KANT ... ”    

“ By the turn of the centuries 1900s/1920s sadly it is swiftly understood that objections by the Empires of that time were mounting – it would take away their cheap workforces :   This, of course,  made it imperative that the HOMES for the safety of the CHILDREN should be kept low-key ... especially after the murder of TIGGY by SCOTS Lords when he was visiting the Island of ARRAN Western Hebrides ... ”  

“  You in your first years met many good people in the circles of your Grandfather Frederick Charles FROBISHER RANSOM and his cousins – one Alfred Charles Rear Admiral Ransom ... others who have become MARTYRS too – SCOTLAND Aristocrats always short of `dough` began to undermine your families & insult & persecute the ESTATE Grote-Ransom  - they wished to have the lands and investments and money by MOONLIGHT – claiming they were above the LAWS of the GLOBE ...”


COMMENT :     I  Greetah Ransom  born 1933have been followed about, spied upon, from my youngest years, resulting in from these Noble distant, Oh so distant kin, a damaged right arm & hand-writing hand – I have through the months from 1951  had to take different routes to anywhere – school, college, Museums jobs ... I am called by Noble Scotland  `ape Eskimo & to be mocked as a fool `... I was not to marry or have children – it was a fashion amongst Aristocrats – READERS will find this attitude goes back to MEDIEVAL HISTORIES ... Roman histories ... & I am not to have a name ... (sincerely - Greetah  Frobisher Weddell Maureen Caecelia RANSOM


NB :   RECORDS are also a re-telling January 1960 of the family histories by Dr JOHN RAY R. USA citizen worked NASA-Animal Management-WASHINGTON State Department – slain June 1969 at Montrose Basin SCOTLAND :   RECORDS from  he with his colleagues, intelligent friends,  & figures in the LAW = & DIARIES-Reports   :



READERS et al   should recall the TIGGY GROTE Constitution says `we do not fight – but would like to discuss if that is allowed ...`


An important QUESTION to be still ANSWERED by The UNITED KINGDOM of Great Britain is



 & willa truthful answer be given at long last by  SCOTLAND Aristocrats & MOTHER BRITAIN ???


`A moron in a hurry must recognize ...`

 these RECORDS of the Grote-Ransom MARTYRS are lacking a truthful answer to a worldwide GENOCIDE which took their young lives 1938-1950s – The powerful of The United Kingdom  were at the HELM of this GENOCIDE ...

We Citizens of the entire Globe deserve a truthful answer from certain SCOTLAND Aristocrat Clans and their MOTHER ENGLAND ...


    G.F.W.R. instructed by THE MARTYRS of the ABOVE – who were KILLED to make quick RICHES for CERTAIN ARISTOCRATS  ...


A NOTE follows for  UNITED KINGDOM 20th century persons knowing of this GENOCIDE  :



CHILDREN are the greatest ART WORKS of parents & all Nations of the globe –

 I created `little Pete` born 1970  (his photo age 3 at the front of this JIMDO site)  – I dared become a parent age 36 and 38 ... Attempts were made on his life his early years – he protected – when he became 21 a feeling of safety but NOT SO ... MOONLIGHT harassment by the criminally insane continued  ... names can be supplied ...  


NOTA BENE :     GREAT BRITAIN & UNITED KINGDOM :   the familiar to me from my birth dangerous JURASSIC BOG TROTTERS had destroyed my ROMAN CATHOLIC marriage 1947 - Permission given for `an early wedding` by a VATICAN GUARDIAN to me from birth 1933 `young Pacelli` a friend of my families :   he become Pope the year of 2nd World WAR 1939 :    I am speaking with him Spring 1936 telling him about the South American Convents I have toured for Aunt Margareth Ransom GROTE & that my young Daddy is seeing the NUNS, lots of them Scots-Irish-Welsh,  have help with stores, assistance with their gardens, transport so they can give help in the oHospitals, and we can help with better buildings & little schools – WE WILL PAY from the miracle ESTATE :  

From 1938 this kindly man was always waiting for The ESTATE GROTE RANSOM Guardian ANDRE MALRAUX to call on him – he approved him :  another GREAT WAR CAME 1939 September  :    


1936 middle of Summer - A letter from ` R.C. Priest Eugene PACELLI who lives in THE VATICAN,  to my Grandmother Mary Helena Carroll Gordon says  ` how he enjoyed meeting her granddaughter Greta Ransom,  and next time she ( I ) come to ROME he and I will go out to TEA – he knows a place where there is a hurdy-gurdy – he likes Music too ...`   He sent 3 Priests quite soon to visit the South American Convents – He and I, my families, all had nice PLANS to help people much more ...


1936 June :    BUT I WAS illegally KIDNAPPED June 1936 back to GROSS BRITAIN a United KINGDOM  :   my passport taken by Order 2 Aristocrat SCOTLAND Jurassic bog-trotter Tribes – My father too had his passport taken – this was quite illegal – We went to LAW TWICE = winning in winter 1936-7  “ Passports to be given back ”  – but told weeks later by PASSPORT OFFICE London that documents NOT RECEIVED :


So we obey again the LAW of this UNITED KINGDOM–Great BRITAIN -  and begin again in the British LAW COURTS :   Therefore to LAW again 1937-38 & WON passports back as before  !  But again we are told months later that the documents to get Passports back WERE not received at PASSPORT Office LONDON ... It cost us money ...


Nota bene :   ARISTOCRATS ARE ALWAYS ABOVE THE LAW 19th-20th centuries ... And now it is the 21st century :   WHERE ARE THE GROTE HOMES CHILDREN ?   The Land of  SCOTLAND and MOTHER ENGLAND that UNITED KINGDOM should be taken somewhere to LAW by Nations A - Z to answer this question directly related to that GENOCIDE 1938-1950s of the GROTE Children, staff, craft-workers of the small Estates around the HOMES ... and the wicked DESTRUCTION of the SEASHORES of the GLOBE where the HOMES were situated – these SEAS EDGES were never the conquests, the booty of the BRITISH EMPIRE that UNITED KINGDOM   :   


1970 January – A tall bowed figure visits – he in grief because of all these DECADES of GROSS DECEIT and CUNNING, FRAUD, by Great BRITAIN the UNITED KINGDOM – It is my GUARDIAN from 1937 October, he Georges-ANDRE MALRAUX a RETIRED MINISTER OF FRANCE 1959-1969, he allowed by his important French friends to The Pillar House HARWELL Village   (“ Village for a Thousand Years”)    - but he is still followed by the old violent JURASSIC BOG TROTTERS making FUN of him  still using up their snouts that old SCOTLAND home-grown DOPE (Divinorum Salvia Scotland)    - They are fearful of exposure -  but always ready to become violent  ...


Georges-Andre whom I Greta Ransom have known since 1936/1937,  says to us   “  ... and you know,  I think,  that I had Your British Government wishing my death from 1938 when they discovered I was named Guardian to the Estate in the legal WILL ... After the WAR I survived with care but with little understanding and not knowing that I was spied upon because of my Guardianship ...  & my postal communications Received by others who did not give me the letters & documents I should have had – mine by LAW  ”  ...  


“  I came to know after the deaths that happened about me  there had been TREASON in my HOUSE in FRANCE and TREASON in my HOME in LONDON ... I have been brought to my knees in this deceit by YOUR GOVERNMENT, Peter !   ... It has brought death in my own family ...   ”     ( I am present – but MALRAUX is mainly directing his sentences to PJPW – I was allowed to take down in shorthand these first visits ... then PJPW did not want me to hear all that was said  )



THE WORLD our globe & I for my dead families and the GROTE CHILDREN,  still require an apology from Great Britain The United Kingdom :   and an answer to WHY this GENOCIDE was allowed to begin, carry on, and be ruthlessly kept hidden,  so that it was necessary for THESE-THEY to cause death to thousands and thousands more people =  Deaths in all NATIONS outside GROSS BRITAIN The UNITED KINGDOM   ?


There is nothing `controversial` about the evidence of the GENOCIDE of the GROTE HOMES CHILDREN ...


Certain drug-addicts of Great Britain the United Kingdom of the 20th century had little concern for children not born into their Aristocrat circles ...


1970 December – ASHMOLEAN Museum a CHRISTMAS Party at OXFORD :


NNB:  a respected old man Boyd Alexander speaking for himself and Catholic Families of HISTORIC names, is saying seriously to me Greta `Greetah` Ransom W.  how they working abroad for the Empire were not able to follow what was happening to their Club when JIMMIE Jong got the Stewardship of it ... it was not known how young Andre was being persecuted by JIM & his gang ...  


NNNB:  ( I  become quietly Mrs PJPW from October 1967 to a junior scientist with 2 illegitimate children – their mother the wife of a prominent and very good man, but black skinned, Clem Ardwings-Kodek Barrister N. Ireland now Minister for Tourism and Game KENYA Colony :

They first married, she Mavis Lucinda Elizabeth nee Tate/Tait and he (above)  had seen a GROTE HOME 1953 Lake Victoria the Children recently slain by the BRITISH ARMY – this had them MARKED on a LIST –

A letter from she Mavis conveying this information written in a letter Spring 1968 was OPENED by the above dope addict Aristocrat Gang addressed to Peter J.P. Whitehead British Museum Natural History (BMNH) Department of Fishes & saying she will holiday with her mother in LIMERICK -  she is dead in June 1968 on the holiday – she is said to have collapsed swimming – her body could never be located by 2 of her 4 children 1970s-1990s  ... Reports, reports, reports :  


1967 October -NOVEMBER :   from this time of a marriage RANSOM-WHITEHEAD, all my post & that to the Whitehead IDENTICAL TWINS   & communications are taken to be checked AUTHORITY of EARL of LINDSEY No 14 aided by a son Lord DAVE LINDSEY & gang, JIMMIE Jong & ex-Army Kenya thugs, the obscene cruel Physician Doctor `Mengele` HARRINGTON G.P. Hong Kong 1945-48  - his eye-opener Divorce Case 1981 fashionable London – There was good newspaper coverage -  hopefully his full CASE reports have not been removed as `controversial` ! :   

Please NOTE :  he `Mengele` HARRINGTON pedophile claiming TITLES in Austria 1930s (Montmorency etc) and SCOTLAND 1950s – still boasting 1980 that he is to be made A PEER for this necessary work of denial of GROTE HOMES as respectable – he passing around in British UNITED KINGDOM high circles the HOMES were SO SHOCKING  - Oh they could NOT be allowed to interfere with the House of Lords & the Crown ...”  Citizens worldwide went in fear of these-they claiming to be above the LAW & on special duties : 


Note again :     They allowed this secret power are GREAT BRITAIN the UNITED KINGDOM Commonwealth  drug-addicts since the 1920s-1930s-1940s !!!   Human beings WWW should now be rejoicing that such madness is discovered and LESSONS & WARNINGS can be given to the world our Planet our Globe –

...  and that granting VAST POWER & SILENCE should not be allowed to those controlling EMPIRES by their blood lines or their business lines  ... with such very high RAMPARTS around them  - certain Scots Tribes were not to have got OVER THE WALL & not down to WESTMINSTER –




MALRAUX is standing on the Steps of No 50 out of earshot – My heart sinks, I feel weak at the knees as an old Noble LORD  `XWZZ` is speaking to me sternly ... he has stepped out of my 1930s-1940s years   

“... and we want to warn you ...  KEEP YOUR MOTHER AWAY FROM ANDRE – he is a good man – I KNOW YOUR MOTHER AND ANGELA AT THE RACES – they can DRINK A PUB OUT OVERNIGHT ...”  !! 

If the G.B. Empire United Kingdom newspapers were not `clipped` so carefully then into the 1970s they will carry little remarks about the heavy drinkers ...


 (young Pete born 21st August 1970 = PRW his life`s work 1970-1998beginning on


Boyd Alexander member of WHITES CLUB St James`  :

 “ We banned JIM from Stewardship our club WHITES after ANDRE made that Sunday morning speech (January 1959) ... we had all to steady ANGELA amongst us when we were young then after she a Commoner made the Royal marriage ...”


... “ BUT it was wrong of the KING their Father to allow this man Jimmie near his two young daughters ...WHEN YOUNG PEOPLE HAVE TO TAKE HIGH OFFICE you cannot be too careful whom you allow access to them ... as your Army father & his families knew ...

 Oh - our FIRST FAMILY has never been known for its high intellect – ELIZABETH 1 of course - and perhaps CHARLES & his friends the founding of The Royal Society ... things like that ... ”


 (I & others were sorry he Boyd did not seem to know Victoria Queen as she is writing, travelling, speaking with my families including the husband of my Aunt Girl of the Snows, young TIGGY GROTE born 1842 NEW YORK USA ... But in the 20th century after the obscene GENOCIDE by G.B. to the GROTE CHILDREN these precious RECORDS are not wanted ON BOARD the UNITED KINGDOM 20th CENTURY – and with this INTERNET BANN by 3 big businesses & MASKED ATTACKS on our INTELLECTS,  clearly to be suppressedin this 21st Century ...



   that ANDRE MALRAUX is not condemned as a fool-a fake by good people down the decades of the 20th century  - and my families of the SEAS neither ...  in this new century bar rats have been telling the public he is a fake & there are comments on what people are thinking from photographs – 1963 young President KENNEDY is shot – in 1964 leaders of many nations looked nervously around in great gatherings ...

The initial work of accurate HISTORY  assembled is named  “ DOCUMENT in 3 Parts – a scaffolding = 1937 SUMMER etc   ... you will find it on my web site  (= I can as usual give you DVD if this is the only safe method of STORAGE & RETRIEVAL):  We must ALL continue to learn ways to preserve TRUTH & speak against injustice – my families do not turn to VIOLENCE but from THE UNITED KINGDOM Britain we have received it all the 20th century  ... ... ...

          GREETAH RANSOM -  for the martyrs & the innocent ...